hullo forums.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DarthMaul, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Do you hit back :cry:
  2. If I log on lol
  3. She left because she was getting ignored :(  so I made her come to pax lol
  4. Poor her. lel happens they ignored me, so I tagged. :D now I won't be ignored.
  5. Yeah, A does a lot of ignoring ?
  6. I haven't seen crystal in a while now :(
  7. Yoo same. What happened to her?
  8. I don't know...... hiding?
  9. I messaged her on 3rd party. How are you Broncs
  10. I sir am amazing hbu cholz
  11. I'm great lol I can't sleep ;?
  12. Drug her up bruh, then get her drunk, be like me, say,
    I hear you're part black, lemme help you put the other black in you B)
  13. No worries me Eather
    so tell me your Pimd story cholo....
    How did u become the bad ass u are now?
  14. Wot even ? no touchy touchy the booty ? cholo doesn't want to watch netflix with me, he said I'm not cool enough ?
  15. git kooler skrub lmao
  16. I wuz born uh skrub, n I'll die uh skrub ?
  17. So when does the ms turn into a Mrs? ?
  18. these 2 ugliese are gonna chill and do the ugly lmao, pathetic losers xD