Glow Kicks Giveaway! My friend jakey has decided he wishes to give some lucky person a glow kicks for the avatars, since he's a lovely individual. Anyway, this gift will go to the person with the funniest meme, gif, or joke. This giveaway will end June 25th at 12 pm EST disqualifications -one entry per person -must not already have the item or the avatars -obviously keep the posts clean and within tou! Offering me tacos may bribe me a bit though ? Good luck and have fun!
Jokes since I don't know how to post pics What do you call a big pile of kittens? A meowntain. Just went to an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus And the joke that sounds like the others: You want to hear a pizza joke? Never mind, it's pretty cheesy
How do you confuse a blonde? Put on a shirt that says look on the other side on the front and back. How do you get a blonde to shutup? Tell her to go into the bathroom look in the mirror and see who talks first. A blonde is celebrating and someone comes up and asks her why she is celebrating. The blond goes i finished a puzzle in 3 years and the box says 4-9
What do you call an egg thatcan fly? An Eggle. What do you call a chicken who us prideful? Pride Chicken. ??????
Awesome, I hope I win. It was really disappointing not getting an avatar this hunt. Drops were just terrible.