PIMD Psychology

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. What Your PIMD App Placement
    Says About You

    The app logo is not exactly the kind of game you'd show to your friends and family. I mean, what do people really expect when they come across this?

    1. You Place It In The Middle Page

    You're cautious but not too cautious. I mean it's not like you're hiding anything bad, right? Right? You want to focus on the important things and keep it around your other games. It's no big deal.

    2. You Keep It Hidden in a Folder with Other Games For Camouflage

    It's probably in the second page of that folder even. You can't afford having people seeing this. You're worried about what people think of you. Image is everything. Or you're probably a guy and you don't want your buddies seeing that. They already wonder what you keep doing on your phone all day. They assume it's your secret stash instead. Well, that's a lesser evil.

    3. You Keep It In Front

    You just don't care. You're badass. Let them laugh. You'll even invite them to play! Still, you have friends who grimace at the sight of it. You sigh. They'll never understand. Or you're a teenage girl. This seems acceptable for a teenage girl.
  2. #first I do number 3 ...BTW you made a sizeing mistake
  3. Definitely 2  without a doubt
  4. #whenpeoplepostfirstbutthey'reactuallysecond

  5. Good one :lol:
  6. 3 haha i invited my friends to play this long time but they all left because they said theres nothing better to do here other than clicking and clicking and no strategies needed haha lol! Cause theyre not teenagers lol!! So am i???
  7. I have no friends so I guess this doesn't apply to me? but it's on the front page at the right for easy thumb access
  8. I have so many apps on my phone, and they're all so disorganized. I just leave this one in that mess.
  9. :lol: I just customized the icon
  10. Not everyone has the luxury :(
  11. How do you do THat
  12. number three and my friends was like "what kind of app is it?" because of the logo then I explained all also invited all of my friends 
  13. I do 3 nobody cares about my cellphone anyway
  14. 2... ?
    Once they saw this logo and thought I was a part of some sort of dating site. They scolded me about how inappropriate it looked as well. They wouldn't stop blabbering about it. So i hid it in the utilities folder since then.  funny thing is that back then, it wasn't  now it is (acc. to people here)
  15. Usually number 1 but when someone borrows my phone I put that crap in my "tools" folder. Even the 3rd page  Very guilty.
  16. Used to be 3 now its 2. I was put on blast TWICE because of the cover art and the loading screen :|
  17. #2 but it's under Pimd and etc. folder?