
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-I-Am-You- (01), Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Hey. Im Kris. This is my other acc but i wont use it for long. My other acc is -I-Kristin-Eat-Your-Cakes-. So this is mah first thread. Thx BigBadWolf for telling me how to make a forum :D Im bored. D: -Kris
  2. Hey bored. I'm SUB33.
  3. Scratch that. Its I_Kristin_Eat_Your_Cakes_ i forgot my own name. Wow, :D
  4. What's the point of an alt if your mains so small?
  5. What's the point of living if death is inevitable?
  6. Doing something meaningful with your life obviously
  7. Well I once ate five hotdogs.... In a row.
  8. Like throwing skittles at pigeons?
  10. Yasss

    Nothing more meaningful than this
  11. He forgot to tell you what to call it ? you made a thread*. But good job for first time ?
  12. Eating a T-Rex leg is more meaningful
  13. This caught my eye simply because you don't find many Kristin's which is my name
  14. Liesssssssss

  15. Im sorry.he said it was a thread but my stupid brain :lol:

  16. Dun lie m8