Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BrightLightsCityNights, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. I'm not mean! ?
  2. Oh the glitter drives everyone crazy, maybe maybe, and the shoes are so cool
  3. Glitter Bombs in the air air.. I quit. cx
  4. Don't quit ?
  5.  Step up in the party, all the sharks are staring at me, my vicious glitter lip gloss matching my pink sparkle shoes, dancing to the flow of Katy perry music 

    I was bored ?
  6. Can I please have something?
  7. Pump up the MUSIC and put on your GLITTER SHOES. Once you PARTY with us. You'll be falling in love with the SHARKS mascots.
  8. In Woman's World All We Do Is Shop For SHOES In Order To Get Ready For The Next Big PARTY..We Really Don't Care If They Are Plain,GLITTERY, Or Sparkley All We Know Is That They Need To Match Our Outfit...See Besides Our Clothes We Must Know That At This Party The MUSIC Will Be Just Right And The Water That The SHARKS Swim In Be Just As Tight.

    I Tried 
  9. One day I came home from a party it was kool it was my sis birthday she just turned 2 so for Her present I gave her a pair of glitter shoes she asked me about friends I told her be careful cuz friends are narks and some are sharks
  10. Missed a word
  11. Lets just say I won
  12. Its Friday night and I'm Finna go party go party I got my glitter shoes with my music blaring loudly im on pimd snarking like a shark
  13. If you put Glitter on Shoes
    You get twinkletoes
    If you dancein those
    Twinkletoes to music that's
    called a Party. But if u get
    too turnt And fall in the pool,
    you'll Get eaten by a shark
  14. Sure you win a zolt cola congrats 
  15.  nice
  16. I wore glitter shoes to a party. I was dancing to music, and suddenly a shark came and ate my shoes. I woke up and I realised it was just a dream.?
  17. Time is lost never to return we wish we could turn back but were lost never to find our way back to the place of dreams, never will we be happy again. (Hahaha I suck but whatever I tried lol)
  18. I roll into the party with my glitter shoes on katy perry music playing and im dancing like left shark