CJfarmsyouforfun or w/e his name is

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCoppedAPhilOnDeez-BAD-Girls, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. ? Cj I brought my main lets 1v1 now
  2. We: mostly just me ? ihysm k

    Call me when you find a good tut so I can steal him/her from you ?
  3. Steal yiyi but if you do I'm farming you ?
  4. Pft. I've seen your "farming"

    I'm ain't scared k 
  5. Then do it nub

    Come. On ricebae hit me bruh
  6. ? Dtw
  7. K lemme save up ?
  8. Happy Birthday Man!!
  9. Support
  10. 1v1 me
  11. K
  12. ?K
  13. Thx everyone send those scavs to me
  14. K?
  15. Dts
  16. I taught jiggy how to farm, then he became a party fairy.. I shoulda aborted him :(
  17. "Aborted". What on earth. ?You never taught me. I had to learn to walk myself </4
  18. Ok why are we lying..... I taught both of you how to farm ???