 Left Shark Give Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Did you see that?-Hellen Keller
  2. "Smile Even if ure sad Becuz wats more sad Is to Dun even Know how to smile"
  3. Everything happens for a reason :)
  4. 2 + 2 = 5 in all things social. The problem is you have to find the missing one
  5. Beauty is not in the eye of the holder, it is up to the eye of the holder to see the beauty
  6. you cannot love what you do not know
  7. it is our differences that make us beautiful to each other
  8. "You say the only people who are people are the ones that look and think like you. But if you walked the footsteps of stranger you learn the things your never knew" - colors of thw wind
  9. Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "oh crap! She's up!"
  10. The only heaven I'll be sent to
    Is when I'm alone with you
  11. "Manner Maketh Man"
  12. I'm so aw you're so ew
  13. Even the brightest glow sticks have to break before they can shine.
  14. "Give yourself a reason to live, If you can't live you have no soul, If you do want to live share your smile be happy and never forget that the days can be hard but surely YOU have to think the happy times that makes life to be living"
  15. Softly as if I played piano in the dark
    Found a way to channel my anger not to embark
    The world's a stage and everybody's got to play their part
    God works in mysterious ways so when he starts
    the job of speaking through us we be so sincere with this here
    No drugs or alcohol so I can get the signal clear as day
    Put my glock away I got a stronger weapon
    that never runs out of ammunition so I'm ready for war okay
  16. so come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in never never land. -peter pan ??
  17. "I'd rather be honest than impressive."
  18. ★★★MY MOTTO★★★
    ∴∵This motto got me good grades, an amazing
    boyfriend, two amazing awards, and a free
    trip to Washington D.C. I HOPE IT GETS ME
    A SHARK! ∴∵
  19. Does this mean that I have to redo what I typed? @Sin
  20. It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again