Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. The bearded guy.

    I don't find you attractive, I can understand how others do however to my own personal preference I don't. ?
  2. Badass
  3. Wasn't meant to be badass or insulting he asked for opinions I gave mine.??
  4.  The queen has spoken
  5. Jo only hangs out with me for my fur.

  6. Lazy day!!

    Is that ur baby??
  7. Nope. My nephew.
  8. Aww he's adorable
  9. Thank you!!

  10. GUIZ! y no one acnoledge how pretti I am?
  11. Hawtie!!
  12. How do I post a pic lol

  13. Many apps you can use . For iPhone, I'd use photobucket . 
  14. [​IMG]

    Back from the hospital for mah frennnnd


  15. But you ain't got no damn sammiches!!

    :: cries ::
  16. 500% sure cherry is causing global warming
  17. :( for visiting a friend in hospital? Probably cause my car does burn a lot of oil lately
  18. o.o I mean I was saying because you're beautiful but yeah carbon emissions too
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