Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]

    You keep saying you're going to leave to just come back and post crap commentary every single time.

    God damn you remind me and my numerous "I quit pimd" threads ?
  3. How do you post a picture on forums?
  4. That rabbit don't got one pic where her cleavage ain't showing. It's as if her pics are saying ; Boobs rule, give me the attention so i can turn you down
  5. :lol:
  6. [​IMG]

    All I gotta say rn
  7. Who wouldn't?
  8. POST!!
  9. Lol this thread warms my salty heart 
  10. He's pimd bae.
  11. I be back soon with another selfie. Keep making me laugh lmao
  12. Wow

  13. So my brother said I looked like Patricks twin....

  14. I wanna go, again.
  15. All these Bootyful peoples and I'm just here like ?
  16. I love your piercing! Makes me want to get one 
  17. Post one!! I bet you're beautiful too!
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