
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Azza, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Thats actually embarrassing lol... But surely this screen shot alone is a big enough reason for the age requirement not to be lowered, considering the legal age to do sexual things is 16 or above depending on your location.
  3. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    looking for rp clubs hmu
  4. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

  5. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    Me too

  6. I'm sorry your honor, I let the kiddies play the naughty game because that nice google company said it was ok.

    Unless google became a regulator and I missed it, then the fact they class it as one thing has nothing to do with ATA's liability.

    That's like the person caught in possession of drugs blaming the drug dealer that told them it was ok.
  8. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    This game is filled with dirty innuendos and has been for a long time. It's absolutely inappropriate to allow 13 to play it. You don't have to look past the "motel date" to realize it's got adult themes. Yes they were on here before but at least they'd get silenced for saying their age on campus. I already wish they'd silence all the sicko's with things like "daddy" in their name who ask to talk to or RP with "young girls" - instead they made it so we can have a bunch of those young teens on campus announcing their age and putting a target on their back for the pervs, like here I am!!??

    I agree with legwarmers, we're going to end up needing Chris Hanson to do a special PIMD To Catch a Predator
  9. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    If showing a bit of thigh and wearing a low cut top on a non-animated avatar is mature content, then children under the age of 17 should get a ban on life, because they're exposed to worse things on a near daily basis. The second worst thing here, is the textual references to drinking, and some mild innuendo that went over my head and I had to have my younger sister explain it to me.

    I have never considered this game mature, and if it is, it's an incredibly soft mature. Let the 13 year olds come. They were already here anyway.
  10. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    me three
  11. So should PIMD be M or Adults only then? Because if you look at the descriptions (source: Google Play), it doesn't fall into those categories either. And seemingly if the rating were changed, wouldn't the game itself have to be revamped in order to more closely resemble an M or Adults only game? The more I look at this, the problem seems to be with the rating system, and not ATA themselves. That's why sending these complaints (though they are perfectly valid and well intentioned) are seeming to fall upon deaf ears. To me it just looks like the ire is directed at the wrong source.
  12. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    I wouldn't call these "subtle" innuendos
  13. Should go back to 17+ again. Bcz seriously who goes to their mom and says " hey mom ,can i download pimd ? i need ur permission bcz theres profanity and s3xual content"yeah un dont think so. I honestly have merced to clubs and seen youngins and in like wtf. Pervs are majority in oimd nd young kids to be exposed to these creeps is just a big huge no no
  14. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    Explain the Apple, Uranus, and the Smoking Weenie. ? Evidently, I'm missing something.
  15. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    I don't get the crabs or Apple lol
  16. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    The Apple is a drug reference, it's modified to smoke out of it hence the lighter in the picture, weenie is another word for something that is not a hot dog but kind hot dog shaped, and well, Uranus...... change the UR to YOUR in the description of the item
  17. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    I only understand the crabs, because I sat through health class in abject horror in high school. It's a sexually transmitted infection. 
  18. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    Crabs are a disease you can get "the gift that keeps giving" is not a good gift ?
  19. Re: 13 What?ImtheNurseTouchMe

    Ohhh. Okay. I don't pronounce Uranus like that. And the apple is like a weed apple, yeah? Still not totally sure what's hotdog shaped and inappropriate, but whatever. I'll ask someone when I get home.