Red Lines

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_Johnston-_, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Red


    Chapter 1

    Under The Road
  2. Under the road is where I sit to rest my head on a soft flower or stare out into the moonlight. Under that road was also a place where I lost something, something near and dear to my heart.

    Something that I was holding for marriage. I lost V, to someone who I had thought loved me , but only whispered words in my ear to think dirty thoughts of me and him. Not only was that the road where I had thoughts it was also the most private and secret place in town.

    Most people hadn't even discovered it. Only I know about it. Its just under a small bridge that seperates Maple Grove Street and Bluford Staples Street.

    I found this place when I was 8 and I am now 16, so that means for a whole 8 years I have been here and peering from the small crack in the road to look at everyday life.

    I also watched the stars and the moon and the sun go down from under that road. I always found a amusement in it, and sometimes I even documented what I saw.

    My life isn't that bad, I just have a drug addict father and 2 baby sisters who have died from my father's rages from the drugs. I never told a single soul about what my father has done to them. But I wrote down a secret confession under the road wall with chalk, so just in case anyone saw it, they would know everything and know that my father has killed them and it wasn't just some "accident".

    I also have friends, Mickey and Ross.

    Their awesome, and they are pretty much outcasts as am I, I used to be popular. But since that day... I have never been even looked at.

    Guys pass me dirty notes in class because they think I'm "easy"

    Trust me loosing my V, was possibly the worst thing in history. If I could take it back, I would have, then I might still have my old friends. I would have never been secretly recorded by "him" and I would have never been exposed to the whole school.

    Jenna Scott and I used to be bffs, now she just hates my guts and she talks about me every once in a while. I never bothered to tell her to buzz off, because just because I'm not her friend anymore, she's still mine.

    I would do anything to get her back, and I would do anything to take what I had taken away from me back

  3. this belongs in fan fic :)
  4. I know, I just forgot how to post it, I mean I know how its just the New Post button never popped up and I closed Pimd over and over and tried again and again and again, and it's still not working, so I decided to ask one of the mods to move it for me :D
  5. Awww thanks :D
  6. Next time its the top option. Then you scroll down to fan fiction. Enter that and post it there. Sometimes you have to open and close it a few times :)
  7. Looks like a light novel
  8. I moved it for you