Because I want to give the key to my friend who is having a rough time in life coping with much stress so that I can cheer her up a little..
I have cancer and I'm dealing with a lot of stress, my sister Zoenell just died. Plz give me, my hair is falling out of every part you could think of. Getting that key would help me cheer up
I would like this key because I just do also I have cookies if you give me it I'll give you all de cookies ???
I need the key because my sister is stuck in our house and it's burning down. I need the key to unlock the door but I lost mine. You just happen to have the spare. Plz help me save her! ?
I want this key because, compared to your stats, mine are tiny and I can never get any key on my own, therefore, I am stuck with the current avatar for life. Plus you are an awesome person. So I would be much obliged if you give the key to me. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours sincerely.
Lol, def the winner. I wish I could bump her thread. Although, sadly, it has been locked. Don't worry though, I will make a thread in her memory.
I want the key because I need it to get into my house. If I cab get into my house I can't eat my doughnuts and I'll cry and be very very sad. lol
I want the key because i haven't got one for the past few hunts. Poor me can't afford a cat pick me please