A Unique Wedding War

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Just_Desire_Vengeful_Damon-, May 26, 2015.

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  1. ? I will volunteer as tribute. 
  3. 
  4. Lol wth
  5. This is to notify that my wedding war has been Postponed to next week because both Me and Damon won't be available on Saturday owing to unprecedented real life events known best to us. The thread fixed according to new dates. Rest of the schedule remains same
    Sorry For The Inconvenience

  6. He cheated huh?
  7. Hey y'all what y'all doing
  8. ^ absolutely not. We'd cancel it up if what u say was true :)
  9. I'm in?
  10. Congrats Damon  count me in 
  11. Ill be there!
  12. Congrats. I'll come :)

  13. Froggie is in ?

    So am I!
    *Insert cool rainbow princess gif here*
  14. Bumping this thread a day before the war!
    Will be requesting lock SOON anyone interested may still sign up :)
  15. I'm here for the frogs...
  16. Advance congratulations :D
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