hire me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X0X0, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Only if u dvp me 2.5t

    Omar, im hurt u blocked me ?
  2. He can't , You're too awezome az a tuter :(
  3. im not at all man you know me
  4. Hire me too.

    My pup is a noob. Literally.
  5. Hi miss beautiful
  6. hire us all
  7. Hire me too my pup neglects me
  8. Im saving for you op!!!

    I'll rescue you!!!!!!!

  9. I… don't know what to say. ?

  10. Yes take omar!!!

    Noooo hrv, i want op xD
    I make a good Pupil!!!

    I pet, gift and rp XP
  12. You guys are not new u guys are all strong to stand on your own...

  13. Ain't he a genius
  14. All I'm saying is you guys can buy yourselfs from you pup right?
  15. No you can not hire yourself.
  16. You owe me rp sis ? and gifts 