2011-2012 players? (: throwback.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. He doesn't really use PIMD anymore x
  2. I know, but he messaged me back here a month ago so I'm hoping he'll come on again 
  3. I heard oldies?
  4.  Still here probably best know me as
  5. I remember you 
  6. I remember you too!
  7. FF back then was so so so good!! I miss reading all the FF back then by Jihi..Tash...you..Royale etc etc...we need them good stories back!!!
  8. wow how ironic i decided to check back in today. also crying @ my 2012 self, and for that i really hope none of you remember me.?
  9. Omg!
    Hai everyone!
    It's still rhyangill18!
    Follow my main -Rhy if chu remember ?
  10. the irony, I guess I'm the only one who remembers everyone here xD
  11. Oh no, I remember most people here to an extent. If they haven't changed their usernames, that is.
  12. Same. Except for players that were only active during the periods when I was inactive.
  13. I've always been here
  14. I was here during 2011-2012 years. I did a lot of rp and wrote stories here lol a lot has changed I'll tell you that.. I was under a different name though, I think it was Charlie-bush ? Something like that.
  15. 2012 was my first year playing I think, either that or it was late 2011.
  16. Hah sorry Grimlock, I also remember everybody. Every one doing alright after all these years?
  17. I was here around that time. My first account was OttoMalpense... But I changed names a lot. I think I remember your writing. The name sounds familiar at least. Idk if anyone remembers my stories though tbh... Me and FletcherRenn and SamuelPortman wrote a lot together if y'all remember them...