2011-2012 players? (: throwback.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. I think fan-fic is kinda dead. No more RPs, 2011-2012 were good times.
  2. I agree
  3. Hey I sorta remember you I don't remember much of the stories but your name is familiar.
  4. You can't agree when you haven't been around that long V_V
  5. Lily!!! Dudeeeee. ️
  6. ? I'm still around. Somehow. 4 years 
  7. Wow, so many oldies ?
  8. Woah what!? Where's everyone been hiding?
  9. Woah, I actually remember you. I only just redownloaded pimd myself, so I'm equally wondering if anyone remembers me from way back when.
  10. Also, holy shit! Jihi, Tash, LILY?! Everyone's still here, what?
  11. Surprise hoes ? Another account fs me 
  12. Still here but very quiet. I don't really do much on this app anymore...
  13. Fyre! I remember you too!
  14. I'm remembering all of you! This is insane and so great! Not on this app anymore, I'm just back to reconnect with some friends. But this is insane and amazing! 
  15. I miss you Andie :(
  16. Same  I miss Candies and everyone! Are you still in touch with anyone?
  17. Rhyan a little, Kris, Katie... That's it I think ?
  18. Yeah I talked to Rhy for a bit. I stayed in touch with Ben for a couple of months and I messaged him a month ago and he replied but I didn't get to see it. BEN IF YOURE READING THIS GET YOUR BUTT TO OUR CHAT 