 2 keys To give Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, May 26, 2015.

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  1. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.
  2. I forgot how to spell universe, but I believe it starts with U N I
  3. What's the sense of your feet if you wont walk the Isle with me? :3
  4. If I could replace the alphabet I'd put u and I together
  5. My life is like a seesaw, without you im always down.
  6. Is that a phone in your back pocket cause that booty is calling me
  7. Are you an album? Cause im a single
  8. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
  9. You can be my cinema, I can watch you forever. <3
  10. Is your left eye hurting?

    Why i ask?

    Well, because you been looking right all day long ??
  11. You're like a thief. Im ready to give all of me. Just dont hurt me
  12. If you were a skittle you'll be a green one because your special
  13. Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for.

    You make my software turn into hardware your name must Wi-fi because I'm really feeling a connection.

    Are you sitting on the F5 key? Cause your ass is refreshing.

    You can put a Trojan on my Hard Drive anytime.

    I hope you're an ISO file, because I'd like to mount you.

    Mind if I run a sniffer to see if your ports are

    I was hoping you wouldn't block my pop-up.
  14. "Yesterday is History"

    "Tomorrow is a Mystery"

    "But today is a Gift.. Because i met you"
  15. "You're hotter than my daughter."

  16. Are you religious?

    Because youre the answer to all my prayers

    (>y<) i hope nobody has the same as mine..didnt read the comments (>y<) (≧∇≦)/

  17. Wow girl, you're like my appendix because I dont know how you work but this feeling in my gut makes me wanna take you out.

    If you were a transformer, you'd be a HOTobot and your would be Optimus Fine.

  18. I thought happiness starts with H.
    Why does mine starts with U
  19. Sometimes its not the person you miss, but the feelings and moments you has when you were with them.
  20. "Are those space pants you got on couse girl that ass is outta this world" -.-
    "I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle" -.-

    "If you were a fruit you'd be a FINEapple"-.-

    "Are your legs tired? Couse you've been running on my mind all day"-.-

    "Do you work at KFC (Chicken Restaurant) couse you got great legs, thighs, and beasts"-.-

    .*°Sorry if someone posted any of these before me, I didn't read the comments just the post. Good luck to you all :*
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