 2 keys To give Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Are you a calendar? Cause i'll set up a date
  2. I've noticed you've been noticing me, and I'm giving you notice that I've been noticing you.
  3. Auburn~ perfect 2
    Aerosmith~ I don't want to miss a thing

    ^ pick 2-8 lyrics and say
  4. Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte.

    My love for you is like diarrhea, I just couldn't hold it in.
  5. I never knew what love is... Until i met you
  6. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
  7. Hey do you run track? Because you've been running around my mind all day
  8. Are a sugar? Cause you have the sweetest smile
  9. I cant think of any other pick up lines..

    Cause all i've ever think is about you
  10. oh my! do you know how to CPR?!.... cause you take my breath away. 
  11. Damn,You're so clumsy!
    All you have to do is cross my mind,
    yet you still fell into my heart..

  12. Can I get your picture to show my friends that angels still exist? ?

    On the scale of 1 to 10, you'd be a 9. Cause I'm the on you need 

  13. Sit on my lap, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up.
  14. ?

    Ur name must be honey because that's what I'm calling u hunny
  15. ?

    Ur name must be honey because that's what I'm calling u hunny
  16. Valentine's card from my ex

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    By the time you finish reading this
    I'll be inside of you
  17. If i starve and needed someone to make me full, can i come to you and ask.... May I have a bite even only with your Lips?? :">

  18. I wish i was "T" so i can be right next to "U"
  19. Are you the last part of my prayer?
    Coz AMENlove with you 
  20. Your body is 75% water, and im thirsty.
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