The Newest Girl Avi....

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Broken_Death_Angel, May 26, 2015.

  1. Its right there staring at you saying hey there look at me

  2. That? ? That's just shading.
  3. Agreed?
  5. I agree.
  6. I'm surprised no one is trying to use photoshop to see if they can get an x-ray out of it. :lol:
  7. Thats a dolphin.
  8. I don't see it!
  9. People seriously getting excited over a virtual nipple.... Lol... pathetic
  10. These people have been staring at the pixelated boobs way too long  I don't see it
  12. Whats wrong with pixel bewbs 
  13. Haha a nîpple!!
    Thats funny