Club Awards

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, May 20, 2015.

  1. Club Awards

    As there is awards
    for a lot of things, I was thinking;

    Why don't Clubs have awards?

    Players have awards with stats for
    every year they have played.
    We have party awards.
    Clubs should have them as well.

    The awards could contain Stats to
    help boost players stats. Similar to
    how is used in The relationship.
    The only difference would be this would be permanent but Only when the player is in club. Every time a club gets the 1 or 2 years
    award etc. Maybe each member can get random rewards.

    I'm aware there will be clubs that will be inactive, unfortunately that's just one of those things that can't be helped.

    It's something that might not interest some of you. Just a random thought as I know there are clubs that have been around for a while and would be nice to see this Clubs have awards for it.
  2. Second Support :D
  3. Support!

    I think this is a fantastic idea, clubs are an integral part of pimd.
    This would create a sense of loyalty.

    However i think that completing a certain number of parties should also give stat awards, otherwise newer clubs would miss out.
    Maybe percentage bonues for years and stat bonues for parties.
  4. Support I think its a really good idea hun
  5. I do like that, as long as it's not base around CC. And all awards are equal depending on the parties.
    Like for example go base on the hours or how hard the party is.
  6. True, but even if they are based on cc, it should be like, of you complete one party u get either 1/1 stats or 1000/1000 stats ect
    So if a club only does cc then they only get points for that party.
    So if a cc club does 50 parties they get the same bonus as a cc club.

    The main priblem with this would be clubs spamming pp parties.

    Still needs some working out
  7. Uhm... Support I think 
  8. Support, if it was used to boost the club ranking or something like that. Stats for members would be kinda difficult if they merc from time to time.
  9. ?for the parties yes. But they can work. We already get the awards for the parties so there showing be too much of an issue around that.

    For the club awards is straight forward really.
    Even if there isn't rewards. Just having an award for the club would be nice.
  10. Not really, as they would get new bonues for each club they were in.

    Personally i wluld like to see another way of getting these bonues mainly for those who dont like to party, but give thats where pimd is heading i think clubs should be rewarded
  11. Well the point of it, is to promote loyalty to clubs. So if people want to merc then they won't get the full benefits. But of course would depend what club you have gone 2. And what rewards they have.
    At the end of the day people still will merc but have a home club. Most come back fairly quick.
  12. Just throwing it out there, maybe wars won should also give an award or reward
  13. All of that would be nice.

    For now I just want to see clubs have the awards. And then maybe if they can they can do that as well. All parties have awards so I don't see why this options shouldn't be possible with time.
  14. Support 100%
  15. I see. That would be nice. Could help war clubs with their strength and party clubs with their Intel. Nice.
  16. Its a great idear maybe you could tally up a percentage of how many pimd people really want it and tell pimd?? It probably won't work but worth trying!!

    I support too
  17. With the club awards, not many people I would think would have an interest in it. Most likely be owners and some perm members.
    I'm not bother about stats that was just a suggestion. I would just like to see the clubs have the awards. Which would show how long they have been about.

    Parties tho would benefit everyone in any club that had those awards (Boosts) so maybe more people would be more interested in commenting.
  18. This is thing on kaw, actually. "clubs" give a certain percent bonus to their members if the club has unlocked the award. The awards are unlocked by beating "parties."