Why Forums is Failing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 17, 2015.

  1. Ihave mamaged to male a few friends on forums, actually many of my friends here i met through forums.

    Its true that a lot of us reminisce about the past which is okay because thats part of what forums are for. But we really do need to see some new variety and be more understanding and tolerant of new players. Im a relativly new forumer and i have found a home amoung some of the others here so it is possible to break into that already formed groups i tink its just about how they go about it
  2. Any of y'all interested in helping me with a thread idea, hmu.
  3. This thread is too serious....where's the comics? :lol:
  4. 
  5. +1 it's not just the forums. It's the whole system. Just a little off topic, but I don't get why people even with slightly higher stats than you would like to put you down as if you should bow and obey them.

    And nowadays, there are hardly any clubs made for newbs. Those which are open to newbs and are good are few and far in between.

    Plus people's minds are changing. Just an example, someone posts something on campus, and when you comment anything on that person's wall, you get a 'mind your own business'. Don't get the logic here.

    Those are only a few things. There are others. But it's.... Interesting how one year changed pimd so much. Have a nice day! =)
  6. True. I've been reading on here ever since I started playing but I'm too afraid to join in on the discussions .. Might get roasted by the "forumers"
  7. TEA
  8. Why? my opinions are
    1 For old players, as time goes on, we all grow up, get busier & more mature, we found things more worthy&interesting to focus on than forum/game thingy. For myself ill enter my own new campus life so ata put your best efforts to make me keep playing this college game, not doing repetitive-boring-same-pattern-hunts.
    2 For new players→why would i open forum/do never ending hunts if this game is onlyy about ec!!! Do only cc repeatedly on whole times is kinda kindaaaaa.....???
    Hope you understand all, ata
  9. True, I remember when I began pimd 2 years ago there were more clubs dedicated to help new players grow. Now most of the clubs focus on getting the big players to join, I remember I once accepted a newb because we needed help in a party and a club-mate got mad about it, I remember when I was barely 10kcs I wanted to join every single club to help them out, new players need to get more help from bigger players, but all that they get is rejection and get bashed about how big of a newb they are.
  11. PimD Forums of 2015:

    Cowardly alts being created to bash a player.

    Players having a 1 on 1 conversation on a thread that was posted for answers.

    Players posting irrelevant gifs all over the place.

    Players creating threads just to say Hi to a friend or just to try an be funny.

    Petty arguments.

    A new player asking for help then gets shut down immediately.. And being accused of rp. Which is part of the game also.

    I may can fit being the cause but I can admit what's wrong with forums

    Feel free to add anything I missed.
  12. Add *Players trying to "expose" other player(s) or club(s)
  13. I agree with a lot of posts here. I find that people get put down a lot and others do change threads to talk about whatever. It is really rude. I agree with Honey when she said that people get shot down if they aren't known and the "popular" ones gather everyone's support. You are not gonna become "popular" unless you spend time in forums but how dp you spend time in forums if you get shot down?
    I don't post on a lot of friends but I visit forums everyday. I have actually noticed how bad forums have got over the year (yes I have been here nearly a year) and to say the least, it's just not surprising. If people who try to give good threads are put down by trolls what would you expect?
  14. I feel guilty.
  15. It's this gradual downward slope here. I'm in forums all the time lurking, because 75% of the time the threads are horrible and pointless. It's bad when you come here and not expect anything but statless alts calling out someone, and threads that just contain the word hi.

    It's also bad when you get happy to see threads from Wolf, Jiggy, Mags, Honey, and Ahli because they're the main group that actually makes threads worth reading.

    People do get shot down a lot here, especially people who are "new" and aren't part of the "forum popular clique." Not only do people get shot down a lot, op who is known for his comics, are the only thing people expect from him like it's the only good thing he does here. If you search his threads where there's no comics, you see comments like "I only read these for your comics." "Where's your comics?" etc.

    People think this whole crappy forums is a new thing, but truthfully, they've been getting worse since 2013, because who wants to post a thread that's gonna get derailed by people who are trying to troll, or cause some type of drama? So you got players like Cherry, Royale, Dan and a lot of others who play (or sort of play) and don't make threads anymore.

    I'm not gonna say it's sad, but that is what this place has come down to. I saw someone mention forum mods somewhere on one of these pages. It's about time we had some.  The rules don't need to be as strict like kaw, but it's about time to get rid of pointless threads.
  16. I notice people are trying to be nicer a little so that's good.  just remember not to go overboard when shooting people down. Some people do ask for it but there's always a line.

    I really don't like it when people use the "free speech" excuse to say really degrading things. I mean our rights and our freedom come with responsibility as well to make sure other people's rights aren't trampled on as well.
  17. It wasn't that long pssh, I just can't be bothered to read other comments or post  except wolf's right above me, which is totally true...
  18. I don't think we need forum mods.

    We aren't twelve, maybe some of you are but, I certainly am not.

    I would say a lot of threads are locked most of the time if they are 'pointless,' and of course everyone has a different interpretation of what a pointless thread is.

    I hate to sound so cliche but, the best way to improve threads and forums I think, is to start with yourself. If that makes sense?

    If you see a 'noob' on forums or a noob to forums, instead of dissing them, help them out.

    If you're going to create a thread, think about it, is it something that is going to be educational/beneficial, funny or enjoyable, not just to you and your crew but to others as well. And if it isn't then hmmm, maybe don't create it.

    Instead of throwing that random gif/meme into the thread, think about if it honestly needs to be posted.

    I know I'm guilty of all three, and I shouldn't preach but, I'd rather improve my forum game than have a forum mod boss me around. Just my opinion tho.