Pack Rat Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, May 18, 2015.

  1. I'm such a hoarder with photos and clothes. I have solo many clothes that don't fit and I'm like, "Eh, its cute. I'll keep it."
  2. I hardly clean on the weekends. My kids are home, people always stopping by randomly. So, last I cleaned was Friday. And I'll clean up the weekends leftovers tommorow. Yays.
  3. I kind of clean as I go, so I don't get that messy.
  4. Today was the last time I threw stuff out, I also threw stuff out yesterday. Whenever I find something I don't need or clothes that don't fit they are tossed right away.
  5. ^ AHHHH the color, my poor eyes
  6. It's been maybe 5 years since I last cleaned my room?  Or since I cleaned anything really.

    It would be more organised if I set off a grenade.
  7.  there color is not as bright now.
  8. ?you're the winner so far!
  9. I went to clean out my old apartment a few months back and dayum son. There was all these freaking old photos, cloths, and a few.. Drugs lel the weed smelled so gross. Like wtf. I found a dead kitten in the closet ;-;
  10. I think we all know the forumer with the cluttered room.
  11. Ahh??
  12. Who??
  13. I've been living out of boxes & my floordrobe for three years now.
    I throw things away everytime I move, but I never unpack correctly, so I just live in mess every year.
  14. This is so my day :lol: . I can't even remember when was the last time I deep cleaned.... I'm sooo lazy :( plus, when I finally do, I tend to treasure everything :lol: .
  15. ^ the grenade thing, omg :lol: . I need 1, too :(
  16. I'm not a hoarder, I throw things out.

    However I'm extremely messy and prefer to live in organized chaos. I'm not dirty though I think it just goes back to moving around a lot a super clean room or house means it's not been lived in and it's just new, whereas having a organized mess makes me feel like I live there and own it.

    However sometimes my apartment gets so messy it actually gives me anxiety instead of preventing it. So it's a very thin line.
  17. I dislike throwing out old books which I have used in Primary/Elementary school. It is fun to sew what I wrote then and also how my handwriting has changed since then
  18. When you deep clean your locker on the last day as a high-schooler
  19. Umm the last time I cleaned was before I started this job. I've had weekends off for about a month now, but until last week its been dedicated to my senior capstone.
    My husband doesn't work (college classes instead) and is home way more than me, but he chooses video games over cleaning. Needless to say, there's still boxes from when we moved in that are waiting to be thrown out.
    My home grosses me out because he's a slob and doesn't clean and I'm too tired from work to clean up after him. :(