U "almost" won. U r gud at reading the rules in Bold letters. But u missed one item. Better luck next time.
Update: Tease button (Top left, on the lamp), Frank's Tank (under the window on a canvas), Hipster Coffee (In front of the cupboard), Hypnocat (Bottom of Red Curtains), Rooster Sauce (Top of Red Curtains), Tower of Cups (Under/In front of the red curtains, on the right hand side of the crate), Rose (Bottom Right of the Right canvas, on the front of the picture), Kiss (Bottom Left of the Right Canvas, on the front of picture), Hipster Pug (To the right of the right canvas, behind the stool), Six pack (Under the left desk, in front of the picture), ATA logo (Left canvas, bottom right, very small), Toilet paper (Left Canvas, Top Right) and Avatar (Bottom Left, in the front of the picture).
Update okay, so here i close the first version of Find the Hidden Items Here is the solution P s. stay tuned for more..
Tease action Hypnocat Tower of cups Beer funnel Tank Pack of beer rooster sauce Kiss Toilet paper Hipster coffee Hipster pug Rose