That one friend.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iBlankSpaceLet-CYP-EatMyCookie, May 5, 2015.

  1. Do yall got that one friend that you lowkey wanna knock them out??
    I used to. Reason why I mainly hangout with guys then females.
  2. K, now run along and play
  3. That's Dead.
  4. Why be low key about it. Stop being a little red wagon and donkey kick them in the face.
  5. Jiggly ????
  6. or just cut them off.  snip snip snip
  7. ?The Eat-My-Cookie I know?
  8. I suppose.? I'm the original
  9. But yeah I feel you blawhd ?
  10. Re: That one friend

    You that low key friend ?
  11. Re: That one friend

    Really??I thought I was B.A.E ???
  12. You can't be! If you are what was your name before this one? :?
  13. Re: That one friend

  14. I forgot it. I kept going inactive.
  15. Re: That one friend