Best Of PIMD (please read)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SaucyLittleMinx, May 3, 2015.

  1. Is it me or this is the best reply pimd has ever written that i saw

    If you have a funny reply from pimd please post it below i wanna see them 
  2. best reply is when they dnt answer at all
  3. When are your threads going to stop?
  4. Best response from pimd was "K"
  5. When i feel like stopping thats when they stop ?
  6.  Well not really... you can only make 3 threads a day and this is your third. So you'll have to stop till tomorrow. ?
  7. Just the response I wanted. You will be farmed aswell. Rather you care or not.
  8. That is still not stopping though cause ill still post tomorrow  if i wanted to 

    You should be on my side.!!!!

  10.  Not on any sides, just some helpful advice.
  11. Such a cute response 
  12. ? Don't use the love of my life pimd_c's gifs in vain.
  15. I can see brat pitt and angelina jolie 
  16.  Jiggy Jigglet = Confirmed stalker
  17. :roll: This is gold ^^
  18. K bb ?
  19. Oh babe its "whether you care or not" but its cool i gotchu ?