A Tribute

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 2, 2015.

  1. To the guy who deserves
    to be blue as well,


    Your build guides are always appreciated. 
  2. Nick is an amazing person! I second the notion that he deserves to be blue.Thanks for all the effort and sleepless nights put into your build guides for us :)Lovely thread wolf.
  3. Support. :D
    His guides really helped
  4. Love love LOVE this! Lol

    Thanks for everything you do Nick. You should be blue, definitely.
  5. 
  7. I support this. Nick has driven us nuts with his work on these guides but we love him for it. He deserves this nomination and I hope PIMD gives it to him .....thanks for this Wolf
  8. One day....

    I'll have a cartoon made for me 
  9. This is so true?Support
  10. Wow that was fun reading
  11. Support,Nick should be a honor student! ?
  12. Yasssssss Nick 
  13. If he also shares the trick to them rubix cubes he should deffo join the smurf army!
  14. Thank you so much  I LOVE IT
    you captured my pain perfectly ?
  16. U deserve it bruh