Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AaronRodgers, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    I was like WTF!
  2. I was excited so I took a ss
  3. Your stats suck compared to mine 
  4. AR u like Photoshop?
  5. No... It's real no friking joke... I don't even know how to photoshop
  6. Lol I could do this in Photoshop easy but no by a computer ATM  lol cool glitch then AR did u get an award for vip (hire value)?
  7. Oh n btw your broke on pimd 
  8. No award... It even says my pupil is A Username
  9. U jail broke ur device right
  10. No... It was a glitch that's all
  11. If I jail broke I would've had more cash and more extra credits
  12. I wanna see what a mod has to say about this :)
  13. You don't get more cred when you jb damien what are you talking about.
  14. I didn't jail break though... It was a glitch... I have bad Internet,.. So bad internet music app playing PIMD= glitch it's not the first time
  15. This happened to me the other day it was weird
  16. Repeat Thread!!! - 