The way of the game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IFeelSickWhenISeeAaronsFace, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. The way of Pimd


    So I constantly hear about how people play the game. They say one way is wrong and another is right but if you think about it... Everyone should be able to play they way they want. Before I start I would like to make it very clear I'm simply showing all sides of the story. If you feel I'm being hypocritical then maybe I am but thats my choice.

    Pimd main aim of the game is to earn money and upgrade your dorms. We all agree with this. How we earn money is a big topis of discussion. Some believe we should go with farming and war like in the old days, which I completely understand and others believe partying is the best as it gives us awards and cash when completed.

    I'm not going to lie. When I was a noob I thought farming was rude and just mean. Then I got taught otherwise. Battle is actually on the pimd playlist on the appstore. A lot of people farm as their only way or earning cash. That is ok. But to then say no one farms these days and other stuff only a few of you bother to teach others. Noobs come on to the game, they go to a rp club or a party club. Rp clubs war more then most clubs. They do big 24 hour wars just to try it out. I think if we taught others we would have way more.


    Partying is also acceptable. It's also on the app store page. So why people say its a cheating way to earn cash is wrong. Most parties earn less then actually hitting someone. I think everyone has the right to do whatever.


    Cc. A lot of old players don't like it because its quick cash. To be honest it is. I'm going to admit I did rely on cc. Yet I have never spent a dime on this game. Which is why I have played nearly a year (will be in May) and not lcbced yet. But hey people are spending real cash on this game so you don't have to. I like some good money to ug and cc provides it. I know a lot of you aren't happy about cc clubs but people are buying with real money and if thats how they want to advance let them.

    So there are many ways to earn cash amd advance on pimd. Heres some guides in case you want to try something or be a bit bett wet with what you do.

    guide for war
    guide for jobs
    guide for tut trading
    guide for party patterns
    Thanks for reading
  2. This is more like it ?
  3. Urgh this failed?well you get the jist of it
  4. Your pictures a tad bit large, when doing your code for pictures do:
    Instead of:
  5. Thanks all for the coding and stuff. The pictures are a little mixed up so just read๎’๎’๎’
  6. theres always wars around not necessary system ones, plus this thread was nice , a long thread that i have actually read , nice topic and good effort there
  7. I didn't read this

    But I will say it's a game with a lot of options. You can play any kinda way you want, anyone who tells you differently can suck it.
  8. We all know this :| u not getting honor student
  9. :lol: a lot of 'helpful' players are popping up and making guides, wouldn't you say?
  10. Indeed
  11. I wouldn't go so far as to call this a "guide"
  12. Truee nice one OP!!
  13. I never said I wanted honour student. In fact I don't. This isn't a guide. Its an opinion. I gave guides at the bottom if you wanted to learn these things but I have simply been stating the obvious and showing all sides of the story. If you honestly believe this is a guide... I'm not sure what to say.
  14. "Don't bro me if you don't know me" :lol: classic.
    Nice thread??