First CD?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by peepeepoopoo, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Rap/Hip hop: 2Pac: The Seven Day Theory
    Band: Limp Bizkit
  2. I think the premise was the first cd YOU ever bought not that you had bought for you
  3. Spice girls, spice world.
  4. Pffft who buys music?
  5. Nirvana In Utero and Bleach both on vinyl
  6. People born before the age of computers, and people that still feel uncomfortable being a thief
  7. MmHmm by Relient K ?
  8. So old people?
  9. Pretty much
  10. Do I need to start hitting you again cholo :lol:
  11. I'm trying to be a cc fairy. And knowing how it'd go: I hit back, foot and justin get involved because I think I'm bigger (not sure), my ass stays pinned by a couple BC everyday, and after the introducing 'fight' between you and me, I'll get like 5 hits from you and that's all.
    Rant over.
  12. That's a good album.
  13. ? sooo off topic but thanks for this update on your pimd lyfe
  14. Yes
  15. Bruh totes an amazing story.