It's weird.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForeverAlice, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. I'm not a fan of long posts on forums anymore so I'll keep this short.

    I think it's weird yet super cool how it's really easy to fall in love with someone you can't actually see. Because without physical features and normal prejudices getting in the way, you get to really connect with another person soul to soul, mind to mind, heart to heart.

    And then you do see them and that falls apart (or it doesn't if your lucky) but that's beside sthe point.

    It just proves that there's more to relationships than the physical. If anything I would say the other parts (the emotional and intellectual parts) are more important.

  2. Thats really kinda wierd
  3. ️ Hence the title
  4. I mean. I guess the reason why it happens is because the person you fall in love with "virtually" You fall in love with them for their personality actully.

    I mean in real life mainly it's just for the looks
  5. But if it falls apart when you see them...than what's inside (their personality and what's in their heart) didn't matter? That doesn't sound like love. When you truly love someone, the more you learn about what's inside of them, the more beautiful the outside becomes. And if you see the beauty inside of someone, what's on the outside doesn't matter.

    That's just me, maybe I read you wrong?
  6. Yep. It's weird. I fell in love with ivy and we meet on here. its was mainly her personality that caught my attention. Even tho she's annoying when she's mad or just all attitude
  7. You didn't read me wrong you just have a opinion.
    And I can respect that
  8. If it falls apart because of the physical, than the emotional bond never actually existed. You probably deluded yourself into thinking they were your dream partner in every way, and then reality happened.
  9. Stella girl, that's deep. I'm vibing with whatchu putting down. You didn't read me wrong, I was presenting a hypothetical situation based on a prevalent fear. "what if I don't like them once I meet them?"

    But you present aa very good point. If it is indeed love, if we're going to call it love then what they look like wouldn't be so important that would destroy that "love." If their appearance holds that capability for you then what you're feeling might be just a superficial if not more superficial than "love at first sight"

    Good stuff Stella.
  10. Truuuth. That totally happens. When you become infatuated with the idea of someone and not who they really are.

    ️ You guys made me realize the last bit kind of kills it. But it's a good discussion point.
  11. No this is actually quite shallow. It's the kiddie pool.
  12. Seen a lot of them fall apart on here when they finally meet up or can't keep up with the catfishing, but also seen a few love stories. It's cute when they are still together after they meet up ?
  13. This part was pretty deep tbh
  14. Preach to the choir my brother
  15. Yup fell in love with someone else too in here when in fact i haven't seen him yet. We became a thing but now he's gone. Damn ?
  16. Fell in love with someone here, saw her and I just keep falling for her everyday. She's worried that when we see each other in RL I would change my mind but that wouldn't be the case. I fell in love with her for what she is, not for her looks. I think someone pointed out that if you fall out of love with someone after seeing them, then is it really love?

  17. Love goes both ways. Depends where and how you meet. In the real world people fall in love with looks because it's the first thing they see. In this game it's the opposite. It's all a matter of circumstance.
  18. I've developed better friendships here then I have in rl, and better relationships. I think it's in part because of the fact that on here I don't have to put on a front or keep up appearances because who really gives a crap. I can be me, completely and entirely and not have to worry that someone is judging me, because even though they probably are it really doesn't matter as much to me as it does in rl.

    And I think quite a few people are able to open up better online, although there's also the catch that people are able to hide more online.

    I think it's moreso about allowing yourself the ability to connect with people, I've met people here that have become friends who I would have probably never spoken to in rl, given the age bracket and the attractiveness and such. And I've learned valuable lessons from each and every one of those people, including OP.

    And yes love doesn't change after meeting someone, infatuation definitely does though, if you truly love someone it will only grow stronger after meeting.