Honor Student Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Congrats 
  2. Congrats! I'm not endangered any longer! ?
  3. Congrats
    I only know Kate and Jiggles doe?
  4. Congrats guys!!
  5. congrats yall
  6. Honey and Jiggy. Well deserved. 
  7. Congrats all
  8. ? how did Kate get it?

    ...she doesn't know very much about this game tbh 
  9. Did you ever get an honor student award?
  10. lmao this is good how did jiggy get it aswell im on sometimes every other day ive never seen jiggy help and kate answers simple questions? Right?
  11. Congrats!!
  12. So Kate has taken the warrior aka mr strikes approach...
    At least warrior put in more effort and knowledge into his helping to earn such an honor or honour...

    Kate doesn't have good answers to honest game questions that the others (Honey & Jiggy) could offer/find the insight of a legit pimd player
  13. I think the fact that a lot of people are congratulating them is a testament to what they have contributed. They aren't moderators, they're honor students.

    Why are you trying to start something?
  14. Does the option for honor student for a mod not exist?

    I just believe that there are other more worthy nominees having been overlooked..

    It's only a popularity contest though 
  15. Congrats on making this game a better place for all of us. Your hard work is deeply appreciated.