rude pimd player

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -crystal---, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Lol
  2. 
  3. hope shes worth it her whining over my username then threatening to farm me was super cute
  4. ;-; tbh I'm getting 'farmed' vitality so you're gonna have to wait for my regen.
  5. Thank you cholo. Have some fun. She likes to cry alot
  6. I hope you realize Cholo is just in it for the action. 
  7. Opps ;-; Vital Loki is on me again so have fun milking me God. <3
  8. im not gonna milk ya i dont even care about this nonsense and past this point im not even gonna post anymore if you hit me ill return them this is a game enjoy it how you will if shes gonna whine cuz of my username she can email to devs or complain to you
  9. ;-; that moment someone doesn't comphrend that it's just to erk them.
  10. I couldn't even read all I translated it for myself :)

    I'm not going to milk you, I don't even care about this nonsense, and past this point I'm not going to post anymore. If you hit me, I'll return them.

    This is a game. Enjoy it! How will you if she's going to whine because of my name? She can email devs or talk to you.
  11. They both are understandable. Just because there is no punctuation doesn't mean it's impossible to read.
  12. Op if you think that's rude on your wall you need to just uninstall pimd. If you wanna start something with another player deal with what you get in return. If you can't handle it don't say a damn thing. I swear some ppl on here need to learn to fight for themselves. You op I can see ya being just drama.Smh asking ppl in forums to help you went you started it time to grow the flip up kid.

    Go kick rocks
  13. Most people in this game don't fight their own battles. They always gotta call someone to help them lol.
  14. Someone offended you on the internet? My, oh my what a surprise.

  15. 
  16. I would have a special name for them. Its just too bad I can't say it right now.
  18. Woof.
  19. Block and go about your day