~•~ Our Little Secret ~•~

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by KeelyCole, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. I must know what happens
  2. Behind the scenes: *Must know*
  3. Please continue. From a fellow author this is a story you should not abandon. It has the makings to be converted to an actual book.
  4. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
    Our Little Secret
    Chapter 14

    -His POV-

    I drove her home later that night. We'd been on the beach for hours, doing nothing but enjoying each other's company.

    I dropped her off at her doorstep, and she pulled me into a tight hug. It felt like it had lasted forever. She pulled away from my body slowly, and looked into my eyes.

    Her eyes are beautiful. Her smile is beautiful. Everything about her is beautiful.

    "I love you, Keely." I said, before giving her a quick kiss.

    "I love you too, Hayden. I'll see you tomorrow.", she said.

    "I'll come by and pick you up." I said.

    "Hayden, you don't have to. Kelsay can--"

    "But I want to. Please?" I interrupted.

    She laughed at me.

    "Alright. What time should I be ready?", Keely asked me.

    "Is 7:30 okay?"

    "That's perfect. I'll see you at 7:30 then."

    "Goodnight...", I said quietly, wishing our night didn't have to end.

    "Goodnight Hayden."

    She kissed my cheek, and disappeared into the dim lighted house.

    I stayed on the porch. I watched her walk away. I wish it didn't have to come to an end.

    -Her POV-

    I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off around six a.m.

    Monday. Hooray. Everyone loves a Monday.

    I pulled myself out of bed, and grabbed a pair of faded denim shorts and a loose fitting, grey tank top out of my closet. I made my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

    After my shower, I fixed my hair and got dressed. I headed back to my room, grabbed my school bag, phone, and house keys. I looked at the time on my clock.

    7:00 A.M.

    "Good. Just enough time for breakfast."

    I head downstairs to make my breakfast, and halfway down the staircase I hear the sink running.

    "Mom? Are you already up?"

    No reply.

    I turn the corner to see Hayden in the kitchen mixing something together.

    "You like pancakes don't you?", he asked me smiling.

    "How did you get in here? I locked the front door last night, and my mother isn't awake yet.", I asked.

    "How do you think I got in?", he asked mysteriously.

    "Hayden, if someone sees you using your...your powers... You could be in danger."

    "I simply unlocked the front door. Don't worry. It won't happen again. So, pancakes?", he asked again.

    I sighed, and threw my bag up on the counter.

    "Of course.", I replied, with a little laugh.

    Hello readers  Let me just say that you guys made me the happiest person yesterday. I found out I have mystery readers, new readers, and other authors reading my story.  I've decided I will keep the story up. Next chapter I will be adding two new characters from the contest I had near the end of last year. If you missed out, DON'T WORRY! You'll have another chance soon to maybe add a character of your own!

    Side Note: In this chapter, I mentioned powers, as I have in one of my earlier chapters. Some of my readers may be wondering what I mean when I mention this powers.
    #1: I don't mention the powers that much right now, because they are not needed yet.
    #2: The powers will be used in upcoming chapters, when needed. Be ready!
    #3: Here's what the powers are all about:
    Characters Keely
  5. Great update. I like how you tease with the powers. But never reveal. It builds suspense and make readers want more. Keep up the great work
  6. Just started reading. Don't stop! This is wonderful!
  7. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
    Our Little Secret
    Chapter 15

    -His POV-

    I made Keely her breakfast, and gathered her things to but away in my truck. She hopped in, and scooted over into the middle seat. She later her head on my shoulder.

    "Thank you for the wonderful breakfast Hayden.", she told me as soon as she was comfortable.

    "You're welcome beautiful."

    I started my truck, but before I pulled out of the driveway I looked down at her. She must have noticed, because she looked up at me. She gently kissed my lips, then resumed her original spot.

    "Come on Hayden. We need to leave or we'll be late for school."

    "Yes ma'am.", I said laughing.

    -Her POV-

    We made it to school with ten minutes to spare. We walked through the school door, arms linked. Seeing what we saw through the door you'd have thought we had more time to spare.

    I tried to looked through the crowd of people, but it wasn't any use. Hayden and I pushed our way through the crowd to see an unfamiliar, yet familiar, face.

    "Who are you..?"


    Hello fellow readers  I wanted to apologize for the late update. I've been very busy this afternoon, but I still wanted to update for you guys. I hope you enjoy!
    Until Next Chapter,
  8. Woo! Short but sweet! Awesome! 
  9. Can't wait for the next one. Keep up the great work
  10. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
    Our Little Secret
    Chapter 15 Part 2

    -Her POV-

    "Who are you..?"

    As soon as I said it my face became loud.

    'I just said that out load, didn't I?', I said.

    'You did."' Hayden replied inside my mind.

    I was looking at two new faces, but for some reason I knew the girl.

    She looked up at me.

    "Well, you're eager to learn about the new kids, aren't you?", she said.

    She was tall, and skinny. She looked about the same age as me, or maybe a bit older. She had tanned skin, and long black curly hair that fell way below her shoulder.

    I envied her. She looked like the pure image of beauty.

    I think Hayden noticed the tension, because he pulled me back to him. Just as he pulled me back the other new face walked up besides her.

    I smiled and looked at her.

    "Yes, I am. It's just, I'm on the, um, greeting committee. I'm the one that shows the new kids to there classes if they need help.", I said.


    She smiled.

    "Well, I'd love the help. My name is Brittany Georges, and this is my step brother Tarlock Ruthford.", she said.

    "It's nice to meet you both. I can show you to your first class. Maybe Tarlock would like to go with Hayden..?", I replied.

    I looked up at Hayden. He seemed to have a look of fear in his eyes.

    I nudge on him.

    "Hayden... Wouldn't you like to show Tarlock to his classes?"

    "Oh, sure. It's nice to meet you Tarlock.", Hayden said.

    "You too.", Tarlock replied, speaking for the first time.

    Before walking off with Tarlock, Hayden kissed my cheek.

    "I love you...", he said.

    "I love you too.", I replied smiling at him.

    'Be careful with her.', I heard his voice clear in my head, but before I could say anything he had walked away.

    "So,", Brittany said interrupting my thoughts, "what's your name?"

    "Oh, sorry. My name is Keely."

    "Nice to meet you. I have English first period. Jones?", Brittany told me.

    "Oh, me too. Let's go."

    And with that we walked off.

    -His POV-

    She doesn't know who they are, but I do. Her dreams, her nightmares. They are the shadows. Or maybe I'm not thinking straight. I've never seen there faces, but I can feel the uneasiness between them all.

    I spent my morning, and all of my afternoon taking Tarlock to his classes. He doesn't talk much, probably because he knows that I know. I will not let them hurt her.

    They better hope I'm wrong about them, otherwise they have a hell of a fight awaiting them.

    Hello my lovelies ️ I hope you enjoy this chapter. I had decided to make it into two parts, because you guys thought it was short. Hope this makes up for it.
    Side Note: I wanted to apologize for not updating yesterday, but I was going through something that I didn't really know how to deal with. I'm still kinda going through it, but I wanted to update for you guys.
    New Characters: Brittany Georges, And Tarlock Ruthford. The were created by players Dictation, and TROUBLEGIRL.
  11. awesome! There's no rush to update! Take some time if you need. We are not going anywhere!
  12. Good job u should make more
  13. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
    Our Little Secret
    Chapter 16

    -Her POV-

    I spent the rest of the day taking Brittany to all her classes. If I thought I envied her for her looks, oh do I envy her now. She beautiful, smart, and funny. She's just moved here and she's already caught on with all the schoolwork, and made tons of new friends.

    In the end though none of that mattered to me, I was just waiting to see Hayden again. Usually I see him every period of the day, but with him helping on the fake greeting committee I came up with today, I haven't seen him much.

    I stopped by my locker, and when I opened it a folded up sheet of paper falls out. I bend down, pick it up, and unfold it.

    It's reads: "I'm sorry that I can't help you..."


    I feel a tap on my shoulder, and quickly fold the note and stuff it in my back pocket. I turn around to face Brittany.

    "Oh. It's just you. You scared me a little..."

    She smiles.

    "You should really pay more attention to your surroundings. Someone could snatch you up.", she said.

    "Um, yeah..."

    "Anyways, I just wanted to say "Thanks." for showing me around."

    "Oh. You're welcome. Um, sorry to cut it short but I have to go. Hayden is probably waiting for me.", I said politely.

    "He probably is... Goodbye Keely."

    "Bye Brittany..."

    I hurried off outside and climbed in Hayden's truck. He didn't even notice. He was so deep in thought.

    'Mind if I pick through?', I said silently inside his head.

    "Keely! When did you get in?", he asked.

    "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..."

    "No, no. You didn't.", he replied.

    He pulls me over to his side and kisses my forehead.

    "I love you Keely."

    "I love you too Hayden."

    -His POV-

    "I've spent my whole day with Mr. No Fun. It was probably the longest day of my life.", I told her.

    "I'm sorry. I know it was sudden, but I couldn't shake the feeling I knew her. I didn't think I'd be able to pry her step brother off myself, so I kinda pushed it on you. I'm sorry Hayden.", Keely told me.

    "It's okay Keely. I thought I knew them both..."

    "Really?! From where?!"

    "I-I don't know! They just looked familiar.", I told her.

    "Well alright.", she replied quietly.

    "So, what do you wanna do?", I asked her.

    "I'm starving. Lunch wasn't the greatest."

    "Linny's?", I asked.

    "Yes please!"

    Linny's is a little burger joint near the "city" part of town. It seems everyone knows about it, but today it was empty. All except for two people. Brittany and Tarlock...

    We walked in and I spotted them immediately, and so did Keely. I pulled her aside and looked at her.

    "Keely... I can't stay here. You aren't safe."

    "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly safe.", she said.

    "No, you aren't."

    "Wait, are you...the one that put this in my locker?"

    She pulled out a crumpled up sheet of paper out of her back pocket.

    It read: "I'm sorry that I can't help you..."


    I pulled her outside as soon as I heard Brittany's voice. I put her in my truck and started it as Brittany was making her way out.

    "Hayden, what the hell?"

    "I didn't put that in your locker. You're not safe around them.", I told her.

    I pulled out of the parking lot practically on two wheels.

    "I'm think I can handle it. Do you really think the new kids are out to get me?", she asked in her sarcastic tone.

    "I hope not..."
    Hey guys  I hope you enjoy this chapter! Quick apology: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was taking time off, fixing problems, and spending time with the one I love. ?️
  14. ️awesome! Loving it!
  15. bump to keep this alive
  16. Tuttsie write next episode as soon as possible
  17. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
    Our Little Secret
    Chapter 17

    -His POV-

    I should have just told her. I should have told Keely who I thought Brittany and Tarlock really were.

    But, would she believe me..?

    We rode in silence all the way back to Keely's house. I pulled into her driveway, and put my truck in park. She looked at me, opened her door, and began to step out.

    "Keely...", I said. "Please don't leave me."

    I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her back in the truck. She gave me a soft, yet sad look. I placed my hand softly on her cheek, and pulled her face to mine.

    "I'm sorry Keely. I'm only trying to protect you. I never put that note in your locker, because I will always protect you, as long as you let me." I said quietly, looking into her eyes to let her know it was true.

    She smiled softly at me, with tears forming in her eyes.

    I kissed her softly.

    "There is no need to cry. I love you, Keely. You'll always be safe with me." I said, as I pulled her over to my side.

    "I love you too, Hayden.", she told me quietly, as she laid her head against my chest.

    -Her POV-

    It was starting to get dark, but we didn't care. We sat in his truck all afternoon. He held me so tight. I wasn't ready to leave his arms. I had noticed my mother hadn't made it home yet, so like any teenage girl, I invited him inside.

    We came inside, and sat down on the couch. I looked Hayden in his light blue eyes, and I smiled.

    "Hayden?", I said.

    "Yes?", he replied.

    "How much do you love me? Enough to marry me one day?"

    I knew I loved him. I knew I could see myself with him in the future. It's what I wanted.

    Hayden pulled me into his lap, facing him.

    "I love you more than anything or anyone in the world, and it would make me more than happy to make you my future wife.", he smiled at me.

    "When?" I asked.

    "We can run away now. Leave school and this little bitty town behind.", he said softly.

    "I can't... I couldn't leave my mother behind, and what about Kelsay and Logan?"

    "I'm sure they would be more than fine.", Hayden laughed.

    "Well, we can't run away and get married now.", I told him.

    "I know."

    "So prove to me how much you love me.", I said without hesitation.


    "Prove to me how much you love me. I want to know how much you really love me."

    "Keely... I... Are you sure you want this?", he asked me.

    "I do..."

    He picked me up in his arms, and carried me into my room, placing me on the bed gently. He pressed his body against mine, and kissed me gently.

    He pulled me up, and gently took off my shirt. Next thing I knew our bare bodies were against each other, and all of our worries had melted away underneath the sheets.

    Hello fellow readers. ?️ So, here is my usually apology when I update : I AM SO SORRY! I have been so busy with school, and with Easter and things at my church, and I am just so sorry. I know I can't make up for it any other way then to update, so I did!
    I hope you enjoy! ~Keely
  18. As a behind the scenes reader, I'd prefer more action/details but this is pimd. We are restricted royally from this so good job K 