Noob's LOLs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -OFH-MICGOZ_V-ll, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. I am laughing at myself thinking back when I first started playing this app and all my noob experiences.
    If you had any please share.

    Mines was, I joined a pwar and hide my money as if I was a cow and posted in my status, "DONT HIRE TUTS IN WAR"
    I was dead serious about that...lmao.
  2. Someone was giving me dv and i was like why you hiring my tuts?
  3. Someone told me, "we're going to have a party now." I assumed it was either some kind of rp or at least some flashy event with players dancing and music. Here I was, faced with bars and I had to just mash em over and over. ?

    Oh and I remember looking up to 200kcs players and making it my great pimd life goal.

  4. Lmao
  5. Wolf, true true,,,lol
  6. I remember being friends with like 2M stat players. They taught me everything. Though one thing I will always remember is learning how to pest in a war. I didn't know what to do all I knew was I had to try to poke people down so that they were easy targets for everyone else. I got hit sometimes too. Didn't understand why I was pranking people. Didn't understand how to record hits. Overall I learned a lot but I was just so clueless.
  7. When I first started, for some reason I thought the goal of this game was keeping yourself at the stats of 0/0 
    So everytime someone hired me and asked me to upgrade I would upgrade a little then evict all of my crew 
    Such a good memory, I miss those days 
  8. I'm still a noob but

    I didn't know how to wall post so I always replied on my own wall  and I didn't know there were forums until early last year 
  9. Me getting mad for people farming me :lol:

    Me hiring people tuts and getting on their nerves. Me resetting on my other pup multiple times . me giving away my giftable hunt/stat items
  10. I posted "I'm new" in wc and started freaking out because everyone was volleying me and I thought I had to actually teach someone, since I was their tutor
  11. Lmao
  12. I remember when I first started the club I joined was in a party, I thought we had to see who could complete first so I picked a bar and kept unloading. Lame I know
  14. I remember making fun of terror and trying to bait them on forums. The next morning I woke up sfed. 
  15. When my first pup sent me a gift there was this default msg written "isn't *name* awesome?" I was like wth why would he sent a gift stating he is awesome~weird much..?
    I am still a noob tho :|
  16. Getting enough money to buy a ring was my life goal as a noob I wanted to stockpile it, but I accidentally sent someone a ring 

    I thought anyone with 50 kcs was a god until I got to 50 kcs from there it was 300 kcs 

    I felt like a badass the first time I got through on someone T5 BC in a war,  not realizing they were being milked like crazy.

    The first time I actually got through on someone In a war I spammed cc with "Yes! I'm amazing!!!" 

    When I first started I thought the point of dorms was just to fill it up with who you like  my dorms were very colorful! I was so disappointed when I found out there was a point to the characters and my dorm eventually looked so abysmally consistent.
  17. I thot your stats were determined by your hire value.?

    I thought I was like the Hulk once I reached 100KCS.
  18. I'm noob too until now I only knew this forum just now until someone told me about it *0*
  19. When I first started playing this game back in 2013 I was being hired back & forth .....and I thought what the hell
  20. When I first started playing this game back in 2013 I was being hired back & forth .....and I thought what the hell

    But then my pup started telling me how to play this game, she also told me to that she could tell me better if I accept her on third party chat app, I did .....first thing she wanted was to see my pic, which I sent ......a couple PIC of me & my gf ......after a few days she started flirting with me .....I had to block her on that 3rd party chat app when she posted video clips of her private parts & her pictures without clothes

    After I blocked her there, she sold me to a barcode .....then they sent people to farm me & pm me threats ......I didn't know anything about tou or anything ......this all happened within first 7 days

    So I had to leave this game

    Returned back on July of 2014 ......hawk eye told me a lot about this game, but I was like come, unload on party & chat in cc

    Then someone said to read forum guide threads, I read & realized that whatever I was doing was wrong, so reset on 2nd week of August

    Then SEXYSWETTY hired me & volley me till 30b & I grew to 20kcs within a few hrs, a big thanks to her ......and now I'm lcbc