RP noobs read and BEWARE.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iFarmNoobs-ThatAskFor-Rp-In-WC, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. I've asked for RP twice in wc waiting for an unload. op you lie. 
  2. this thread should be in best of
  3. I don't really think they would care to be honest❗️

    Usually people who ask for RP just stay for RP and go inactive within a month or so. ?
  4. Some of them care farm rp clubs too 
  5. Well i been waiting for mine awhile. I guess his main isn't good enough for me.ill go rp in pm were I'm actually wanted. ;)
  6. Wait whose the main tho
  7. Hmm continue playing the game the way i like to and let others do the same or become a pimd bully and make others play the way I want them to. What a tough decision to make. I think I'll choose to not be a follower, continue to play the game the way I want to and not the way someone else wants me to play. But tbh when reading the title of this thread and then finding out it was created by a noob account just screams "attention seeking noob too weak to do things themselves and is looking for help". These types of posts in forums are just as bad as the rp posts on campus. I didn't count how many people called you out asking you to show your main but everybody knows the saying "post it or ss it or it isn't true"
  8. Farming ain't gonna chang a thing dude it's more of an annoyance than anything hearing and feeling our phones vibrate other than that we rpers will always be rpers, not all are bad and nasty, some of us are, learn to accept it like 90% of PIMD population, otherwise your just waisting your time, rps been here longer than you, it ain't gonna change by force.

    P.S Not all Rpers are noobs, many people who claim they don't Rp hide it. Or have tried it. Besides what we do in out spare time like rp is no concern of yours worry about your own life not try to control ours.

    Peace ️
  10. True. They don't care about the game they just want rp
  12. What's your point?
    **walks away because asterisk framing ryla(rocks your lame ass)**
  13. Quick question, what's the point of RPing ?

    Imagine a fake life and tell about it to others ?

    Personally I don't need a fake life to be happy :)
    Mine is already perfect
  14. Why do they make movies? Or TV shows? Or plays?
  15. Anyone wanna do that hardcore XXX rp?

  16. Im all in