RP noobs read and BEWARE.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iFarmNoobs-ThatAskFor-Rp-In-WC, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. yes, listion to revolutionarywolf, he will make comic strips when his creativity strikes in
  2. cough cough listen* cough cough
  3. Or just ignore this. This has been tried before. Even to the point of getting in their clubs and shutting them down. Just let them do their thing and we'll do ours.
  4. I got farmed one day every time I asked for party help. I no longer ask for party help. :/

    But that day I was like, "can they at least stick to the thirsties?" lol
  5. Is this where I come for amazing RP?
  6. Shut up .. And mind your own business
  7. I rp. I barely learned how to taco rp. Its a wrk in progress. Plz let me know when i can have u in my pm so u can slurpee rp with me. Lmao..i tried to farm rpers but at the end they got boring. Just like this thread.** Sigh**. Nap time now;)
  8. lol You don't even know me
  9. This is hilarious. ! (Sarcasm ) sleep well
  10. Pimd studies has shown rp is gd for e-health.
    im a noob dat love ti rp lah.

    done.(dat was fast lah.maybe i forgot to eat d e-viagra)
  12. *Pokes you*
  13. ?poke me next.
  14. But didn't you just rp a sigh or is that supposed to be ironic
  15. i know you called me gay ?
  16. Lmao u have noooooo life if u so,worried about what ppl are doing with they lives??? Grow up!!!are u that bored on here?u know u don't even have to play pimd let the mods handle the pervs .its they job to keep it clean, report them to pimd .
  17. I am curious, as participants of pimd,are you forced to read what people post,are we forced to care about other people interest in this app.
    This is a app on your device,that is a social app, which role playing is what I believe is part of this app.
    Go to Google play store, type in role play apps, see what pop up
  18. I'll rp with ya!
  19. Obviously not. But are you forced to reply on my post? Are you forced to troll a post for me doing what I think is the best part of this game (farming)? No. If you don't like how I play, well you aren't forced to worry about me now are you? Shut up.