Pet Peeves/Annoyances

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. people in general annoy me. ? Sometimes cause they have a mouth and they talk out of their ass most of the time.

    Cold weather, and anything that associates with the cold i.e. snow, ice, blizzards.

    people that chew with their mouth open especially in public. I don't care what you do at home.

    people who think they know everything. no explanation needed.

    Flip flops (thongs) they're annoying. the slap sound when people walk make me wanna rip my ear drums out with a cotton swab

    Slow walkers. ? Just Cmon.

    Females who Wanna talk a big game over the Internet and when you confront them in person it's "naw I didn't say that." "what you talkin about?"

    People who have massive baby daddy drama and they gotta be all about that life, and all they talk about.
  2. 
  3. 
  4. People who have more gifs than my phone can load. Gifs are nice but plz Jesus I have wifi that runs the most bandwidth destroying game I've ever seen but your gif spam I can't load.
  5. I walk slow. I'll be the first to admit it. But if you walk slower than me, I'm going to have a problem. Really. Stop dragging your flip-flopped/Ugg covered feet and get out of my way!

    People that just never shut up. I can understand nervous chatter. I do that at times. But when it is NEVER ENDING and about something absolutely idiotic, I just can't. Oh my God.

    People that feel the need to blast their stupid music. If it was Led Zeppelin or Bad Company, there would be no problem. But it's usually some profane, disgusting, I'm-better-than-humanity rap/hiphop song.

    Bible thumpers. Just stop. I will not be converting any time soon, and my rights to free speech allow me to call you a mindless sheep. Get off my lawn. And my wall, unless it's a genuine question.

    People that use Autistic as an insult. Guess what! You know someone that's Autistic. They're typing this list right here, on their own. Like a normal person. I'd say it makes me better mannered and more attentive than most people, in fact. Not slow, like many people seem to wrongly think.

    Humanity in general. This list is getting long, so I'm going to cut it off here on that note.
    • People who chew with their mouth open
    • Putting two socks in the laundry but only getting one back (it's like a sock eater?).
    • People that don't signal their turns.
    • People that complain about being fat when they're not. Annoying as fudge?
    • Stumping my toe
    • People who are mean to animals.
    • People that ruin surprises?.
    • People who curse in front of kids?
    • Loosing my phone when it's on silence?
    • Litterbugs?
    • When I forget someone's birthday??
    And more

  6. The thing that bothers me most about that gif is not so much that the "his" don't like the "t", but the fact that they aren't kind enough to say they don't like him to his face. That's pretty scummy.
  7. Those People Who Can Crunch Loudly With Theere Mouth Closed With Any Food!
  9. Attention-seekers
    Sadists God forbid, they whine about every possible thing
    Talking with mouth full, messy rooms, piled up dirty laundry gahh!~~~ I could rant all day!?
  10.  What's wrong with people from Florida?
  11. People who chew loudly/with their mouth open. 

    Slow walkers who take up the ENTIRE pathway. ? If you wanna walk like a turtle by all means, just don't disrupt my walking.

    People who are unnecessarily rude.

    People who are NEVER grateful for anything. Stop asking for more, start appreciating what you have.

    People who don't know when to STOP joking.
  12. People who say you don't grow off farms then call people party fairies? Like really? 
  13. Yes what's wrong with ppl from Florida ? besides that we are super awesome 
  14. THIS
  15. Most people from Florida are old people looking for a nice place to retire...

    Then we get all these freaking people from CANADA AND WISCONSIN AND WASHINGTON AND ARKANSAS AND EVERY OTHER NORTHERN PLACE coming down from October-May every year who CAN'T DRIVE AT ALL!!! 

    Go back to your snow land and get away from my beaches you turds. 
  16. I hate when people yell at me for walking slowly with a disability. Fortunatly, the last person who yelled at me was arrested on public transit as a special constable was nearby.

    Do shallow minded people without situational awareness or respect for others count?
  17. LOL! The spongebob Gif though 

    My pet peeve are when people can't type their sentences, ️? When they're always on the phone in a public place ordering food and can't hang up for a measly 5 min, when people talk so quietly they sound like they're In a horror movie, and when people can't speak proper. ️
  18. Properly*
  19. People who use ect instead of etc ?