
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Bass definitely a few screws loose but change the fact of what's being said and everybody just comments... Yet nobody says hey ok look at this bass... 
  2. Either way he/she/it is a spastic
    Sfw's are a waste
    I'm done
    Too tired
  3. I think the issue with that is even tho ppl have explained it you just don't want to except it. As you stated yourself you have a few screws loose. So you just may be a waste of time.
  4. Not worried about money as much as growth... And question how much damage can you do to a person in a game other than take their fake money? Money is the first thing they try to protect is it not? Most people are bankers when start getting hit... In order to Truly give a person that feeling is to take it all... When I was just in strip farm war... They pinned while trying to strip... The pin saved my money with profiti banked, each morning I woke up and bought 250 cheap tuts... And banked plunder.. If you can't take it all or most in one shot not worth the effort cuz then they make money off the strip like I did... 
  5. [/quote]

    They have explained a fight build versus a Intel build... Not a small Intel build vs a huge fight build... I gave example a bunch they just jump over it every time...

    A ATTACK build... 6mcs fight 1 mcs Intel... How does a 3.6mcs equal build fight that with dance of course and I know my plunders higher... All I was saying... They keep telling me that that 7mcs ATTACK build is making more plunder... But most on her say I should just prank make no plunder and show him who's boss? Lol that's ludacris... and im the crazy one...
  7. Bass is a moron. Dude just talks and talks and talks. Bass please do us all a favor, go to the store, but a kite, go to the freeway and fly the kite on it. Thanks.
  8.  when a NOOB posts comment that contributes nothing to the thread 
  9. Awww i member you  and idk what you do.. But I don't want to but a kite...this Pimd not prison 
  11. Good informative thread including the debate thereafter. This deserve a sticky ? I think. Should definitely be in the Guide section.
  12. The point is Jopo is whining because his rs partner started something he can't finish and is getting farmed 24/7. Now Jopo maybe you would like to join Goku club? Maybe school Bass that way? Been going on for 3 days. Where is your action? The mighty Jopo eh?
  13. Bass want to 1v1 with me? I bet that I fight pin you and keep you from making your precious money on dance :)

    please accept my offer nub
  14. uhm udarea jopo isn't whining, just a discussion. And jopo doesn't need to join in the mess of Goku.
  15. Let me finish current engagements Id GLADLY 1 on 1 you.... 
  16. Ps.... Love ur stats... Either your a dancer too or have partied a good deal 
  17. I followed so we can keep in touch for one on one...
  18. 48hr in club war so they can see stats too? Please it would help me with these threads...
  19. It's called two years of playing the game :) I dance in wars for plunder but I wouldn't dare dance a farm unless they dtw on f
  20. And NO excuses.... UR double my size... This is what im explaining is great about my build... You'll see ...