Title says it all Little Seth Lane was born with no immune system and has spent the 5 years he's lived in the hospital. He's had one bone marrow transplant and is going to get another one one March 27th (next friday). Seths parents helped him make a video asking the world to wear yellow on the day of his operation to show support. So if you havent already heard about it there ya go.
You people are sheep. You do something like this cause you're told to and cause its nice telling yourself you're a good person for doing it, then right after you go back to being an ass. You're not fooling anyone but yourselves.
you know what? that may be true. but all of us are different. I'm not trying to be a rude person, but.. could you at least have some respect, Jax?
Are they asking for money too? I dont get the whole yellow thing. If his family does it, excellent. He doesn't need a bunch of strangers on board with this unless there's some motive to get attention, and later money for his benefit. Just a thought.
Maybe it's his favorite color and they want him to see that people are believing in him and the team that's trying to help him? Maybe he doesn't want to feel like he isn't important. I understand he is 5, but kids are emotional and they understand a lot.
Respect for what? You peoples fake obligation to someone you dont give a shit about, wont ever think about again, and have most likely never heard of before this post? I'll pass. Im at least real with myself
[/quote] you know what? that may be true. but all of us are different. I'm not trying to be a rude person, but.. could you at least have some respect, Jax?[/quote] Respect for what? You peoples fake obligation to someone you dont give a about, wont ever think about again, and have most likely never heard of before this post? I'll pass. Im at least real with myself[/quote] Okay, yes it's true that we probably won't ever think about this person again, neither have we heard of this person before this post. and yes, you're right. I'm just thinking that at least for this one time people could give a little respect. though, this is a free country. each to their own opinions and things. anyways, I'm not trying to start a fight. just wanted to give my opinion.