women rights

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oG_MaGic_oG, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Don't you juss hate when a women claims they want equal rights but if she smacks you, and you hit her like Ray Rice and Chris Brown combined.. You get arrested!

    *Enter feminist complaint*

    No this is not okay, you women are crazy and too needy.

    You want equal rights? You guys mow the lawn, build houses, weld iron. Oh wait, you wouldnt because its a "male dominated" society that wants you too fail.

    So your gonna go home and clean. Living life easy.

  2. I want a sandwich.
  3. Same, Women are for that, while we do the hardwork ya know?
  4. Indeed, more people need to read this.
  5. Advertise this to your clan. Together we will end feminism.
  6. Yes, some feminists are crazy out of line  but most have good intentions. I think in other countries it's a terrible issue. But yeah domestic violence of any gender is unacceptable.
    It's just about equality. Not superiority.
  7. Support!11/10 lel
  8. ^Sums it all up.

    Also, top lel.
  9. And your an ignorant ass, not all women are like that, women do want equal rights (which they have) but what they want is a guys acceptance that they have the right to choose their own way and if you do that! Then most girls will have no issue with you and wont think of you as the ignorant ass you appear to be, women are not a toy or just some play thing that you get to command around and try to be king. A woman wants that feeling of you caring about them and their feelings, not just how much you care about their sandwich making skills.

    If you treat a women as if shes the world then she will give you hers and you wont have to worry about them "complaining".

    Be ashamed of yourself?

    p.s. Male hate goes here 
  10. I support equality. Feminist aren't fighting for equality..
  11. I'm a woman and I think some women are nuts. They scream woman's rights but when it comes to mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage, or fixing a leaking pipe they scream for a man to fix it.

    I've never been one to scream women's rights bc let's be Frank I like sitting home being a mother to my children, I enjoy cleaning my home and cooking my family dinner. I wouldn't have time to do all the things I do if I went out and got a full time job and my children would be missing out on mommy time
  12. Women are toys, just a walking sandwich machine that gives us some head.
  13. And what is a guy but a dad beat dad that abuses women, commands women as if they were a lesser species, apes that non stop argue and complain (at the same amount of women just of different things) get into pointless fights, and just the endless amounts of  that we do.

    You obviously are just a raging troll who cant accept the facts that he gets no head, get outta here you lame ass wanna be man but cant get out of his boy mindset
  14. Women deserve equal rights.

    and lefts 
  15. The true essence of feminism is equal rights for both men and women. Female empowerment doesn't mean female superiority although some do abuse this. It's just that in a patriarchal society, women have to make themselves heard to stand out and shed light on the abuse happening to them.

    Ideally, it would be nice to get to a point where gender shouldn't even be an issue or an asset.
  16. Women and men aren't equal that's just a fact.. Both genders should be respected but no they aren't equals