HAPPY 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Yes everyone, On the 16th, for some people, is the day that Royale celebrates their second anniversary. It might not be special for some people, but for us it is. Two years is a lot, well more than one year. Anyways, I just wanted to announce it to the public and Ofcourse we'll have kids that'll bash us, but we couldn't care less. I wasn't at Royale since the start, but I joined them a few months ago. They were the only club that would ever let me in as a merc. I guess my bad reputation of starting many SFW was scaring clubs, but Royales weren't scared! As soon as I felt welcomed in, I then knew that I finaly found my home. Here's a few shout out for people I really like! -Division: That guy... I swear he is the best guy I ever met. I give all my respect to you, for supporting me when I had hard time at Royales. Thanks for being on my side brother! -Jen: RAWR -Wanderer(Female): You're cute as hell. Enough said. Airy: You're a lil troublemaker Heng: Ofcourse the owner of the club MUST be on the shout outs. So, here's something for you The rest of Royales: You guys are all great. I know I'm not someone special to say all of this, but Royale is the image of you guys! What I failed thread, but whatever, I'm very tired and out of creativity...
Häppy 2nd Annïvërsäry ЯӨYΛLΣ Mörë Pöwër BӨSS ΗΣΝG! Wë Lövë Yöü? And kaname anytime bro thank you very much. And im always there for you bro
Me too I'm new to Royale but I can tell that it's a close knit little family.. so yeah it's AWESOME.. Häppy 2nd Annïvërsäry ЯӨYΛLΣ Mörë Pöwër BӨSS ΗΣΝG! Wë Lövë Yöü?