
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iSno, Mar 14, 2015.

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  1. I have a few questions. What are the patterns to hitting the parties? Whats the quickest way of earning Extra credits and money
  2. fr ecs just ul on first job continously
  3. Well, there really isn't a good way to earn extra credit's. but you can get them sometimes by completing jobs. I can't remember, but there might be another way to earn them.

    and patterns for parties.. there are a few different ways of course. I can't really remember them, but you could look in the forums under guides. ( or someone else will probably tell you )
  4. Here is a guide to patterns. It in includes pattern for every party and hitting people. Please note that patterns only work on people if they don't have a stacked tutor bonus or are bigger than you.

    For every successful job you complete there is a 2% chance of an ec dropping. If you unload on the first job you'll get about 1.5 ecs per job. Instead of the first job you can unload on any other job which you can successfully complete easily. Extra Credits will drop randomly during the unload. Some unload may not drop any extra credits and some may drop 2 or more. Good luck hunting ecs.

    A good way to make money is to follow patterns, I've already given you a link to patterns. A way to make sure you're getting the most plunder out of your stats is max plunder (15m x kcs). The amount that comes out is the amount of money you need in tutors for max plunder. You're plunder will roughly double from when you did not have max plunder.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to wall me.
  5. Sorry, I forgot to provide you with a farm list to make money from. Here is an inactive farm list which you can use pattern on, providing they are about your size. You can hit inactive to make money. You can also hit the people (battle) button to make money. If you do hit the battle button to make money, hit about 2-5 times and hit someone else.

    Also in it* not it in, in the first paragraph. Please excuse my silly typos.??
  6. I want a doctor list :(
  7. Thanks all

  8. Pretty much.
    Also if you look in either the guide or strategy section there should be an extra credit guide you can look at.

    ?and, question answered, locking.

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