Substances affects

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. This 3 Subjects were picked simply because they are the ones that are most commonly talked about on the game.
    We are all aware That there are many other type of substances around. Which are of course very dangerous and addictive.



    Although many smokers believe there are some small benefits to smoking.
    (Usually Temporary Stress Relief)
    The consequences of the habit on the body far outweigh any positives.
    Once you start, it is difficult to stop.
    It kills one out of every two smokers.


    1)Smoking causes lung cancer.
    2) One can suffer from cardiovascular diseases by smoking, as nicotine is bad for health.
    3) Nicotine in tobacco is addictive. It causes high blood pressure, increase in heart rate and slows down circulation.
    4) Stains the teeth and is bad for dental care.
    5) Bad breath.
    6) Respiratory as well as circulatory problems can develop due to smoking.
    7) Smoking causes cancer.
    8) Blindness is also another effect of smoking.
    9) Tobacco contains carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen as well as nitrogen.
    10) Tobacco contains Hydrogen Cyanide, which damages the lung-clearing system.
    11) Nicotine affects appetite, thus causing hyperglycemia.
    12) Tobacco is linked up with certain disease such as diabetes, vision problems, ulcers and back pain.
    13) Early menopause, osteoporosis, fertility and menstrual problems are also some of the negative effects of tobacco usage.
    14) Decreased fertility.
    15) Impotence among men.
    16) Children suffer from the secondhand smoke that is let out by smokers. It contains harmful chemicals, which are bad for health.
    17) Chronic bronchitis.
    18) Deaths occur due to use of tobacco.



    Also called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other slang terms.

    [color=Altho Marijuana has been found to treat (NOT CURE) a wide range of various ailments such as: [/color]

    Appetite loss
    Weight loss
    Some Cancer patients may use it as a form of pain relief

    But of course there is always side affects With any Drug and

    Impairment of thinking, problem-solving skills and memory
    Reduced balance and coordination
    Increased risk of heart attack
    Heightened risk of chronic cough and respiratory infections
    Potential for hallucinations and withdrawal symptoms

    These risks should be taken into account when considering the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Talk to your doctor about different options.
    As there are less dangerous medicines offering the same relief from pain and other medical symptoms.

    There was a case last year where a woman become the first Person in the UK to die from taken Canabis

    Short term affects of alcohol[/color
    Depending on how much is taken and the physical condition of the individual, alcohol can cause:

    Slurred speech
    Upset stomach
    Breathing difficulties
    Distorted vision and hearing
    Impaired judgment
    Decreased perception and coordination
    Anemia (loss of red blood cells)
    Blackouts (memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence)

    Long Term affect of alcohol

    Binge drinking and continued alcohol use in large amounts are associated with many health problems, including:

    Unintentional injuries such as car crash, falls, burns, drowning
    Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence
    Increased on-the-job injuries and loss of productivity
    Increased family problems, broken relationships
    Alcohol poisoning
    High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart-related diseases
    Liver disease
    Nerve damage
    Sexual problems
    Permanent damage to the brain
    Vitamin B1 deficiency, which can lead to a disorder characterized by amnesia, apathy and disorientation
    Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls)
    Cancer of the mouth and throat

    People do use drugs or alcohol as a recreational past time or for a quick temporary fix. Avoiding issues will not make them go away. They will still be there after the affects of the substances have worn off. So Please think of the impact that Using Any kind drugs Or Excessive drinking can have in you're life and the people you care about.
    Don't feel pressure into using drugs or drinking because your friends and other people around you are doing it. Because you want to fit in or be liked. Some younger people have the concept that it makes them look cool if they follow the crowd. It really doesn't.

    "It takes Nothing to join the crowd. it takes Everything to stand Alone"
  2. steal this for my health exam
  3. :lol: .....people know this and still do it :mrgreen:
  4. Cigarettes are worst
  5. Actually they done studies that show weed improves your concentration 
  6. ew jb
  7. Can we maybe have a warning for the pictures. Did not need to see that smoking one while eating breakfast.
  8. Very informative Honey

  9. On some people. Because they've done many more studies where people's reactions are slower. Specially while driving. While high.
  10. Yea, Should have a " WARNING: MAY CONTAIN DISTURBING IMAGES " at the start of the article
  11. They have that on the packets of cigarettes 
  12. Awesome post Honey very informative you've put alot of effort and time into research on this post.

    Its all to easy to turn to alcohol and drugs to either fit in with friends or just because we find it relaxes us and we like the effects of it. But we forget about the effects it has on ppl around us and long term damage to our health. Gives us something to think about.
  13. I don't smoke? Nor do I expect it on forums. It's not much to ask for lol
  14. ^^ I agree. A warning would've been nice. Plus, patients* not patience.
  15.  enjoy your breakfast :)
  16. I think everyone can live their life how they want to. I smoke, I drink sometimes as well. The way I see it is I'm gonna die one day I might as well die doing something i enjoy :)
    not all smokers teeth look like that my teeth are white and healthy and I visit my dentist on a regular to make sure my teeth stay good :)
  17. Them bubba teeth.. Very informative honey, scary to think that things we consider harmless and stress relievers could do so much more damage then we could ever really imagine.
  18. Very important thread ang 