2011-2012 players? (: throwback.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Really doubt anyone is going to remember me.

    Buuuuut. 2011/2012 gen members give me a boo yeah? 

    Andi/Amber here. Yes, I'm alive. I was talking to my friend the other day about online games we used to play and I remembered this little thing. I came back for like a day last September, messaged a few friends and left again. I'm coming back just to see what PIMD has come to be 

    Probably will not post any stories or whatever. Depends really. No one is going to remember who the hell I am.  I don't even know if FF is as active as it used to be.

    Also I'm cringing at my 3 year ago self and everything I used to write 

    So much has happened since I've been gone and I've lost touch with a lot of my really good friends, but I don't regret leaving. Honestly, anyone who's reading this, do something with your life. PIMD is a great hobby or side game, but don't stress too much over it. Don't feel the need to update everyday or hire people and everything. Don't forget to do something in real life too. 

    SO YEAH. Any '11-'12 players who I used to talk to? Thanks much.

  2. Oh my god! I haven't seen you in a long time!  We didn't talk much but I remember you~ 
  3. Try posting this in Off Topics 
  4. It was posted here because this is where most of her friends were.

    But ff is a sort of relic of the past.
  5. I don't think we talked much, but I remember seeing you around, so welcome back 

    But yes, it really, really is (/).(\) I don't think I've even posted anything since 2014
  6. Yeah, like what Royale said, most (if not all) of my friends came from FF and none of them really check Off Topic and I figured they'd see it here. :)
  7. HAHAHAHA hi! 
  8. HAHAHAH thanks Royale ️
  9. I do remember reading some of your stuff a while ago, kinda makes me think how long I've been here now.
  10. No clue if we would've seen each other around. Had lots of name changes though.
  11. Hi Andi <3 it's been a while. This is Katie I kind of miss the old ff days. Although... There was a lot of drama
  12. I remember you... You here to help teach the young whippersnappers how it's done?
  13. Am a rookie here BT ur ur advice is good. I'll take it 
  14. Oh my 0.0 more old people are still here
  15. Andi...


    Ew, okay I'll stop. Hiya loves️
  16. Wrong time period. 
  17. I remember seeing your name whenever I read in the ff section. ? I think I've read one of your stories too
  18. i am here. i remember. ive changed my name since then though.