Peanut Butter

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Peanut butter
  2. Green grapes with crunchy peanut butter ?
  3. Ew. I'm allergic
  4. First thing that popped into my head when I saw the title 
  5. YES fried!

    Or just crunchy peanut butter on toast

    Or just out of the jar ya know. Treat yoself
  6. ?and now stuck in my head
  7. ?aww

  8. Was going to be my comment without all the fancy stuff lol
  9. Peanut butter kitkat chunky 
  10. Peanut butter and banana crepes ?or peanut butter on a spoon..whatevs. And all peanut butter. Idc how it comes.
  11. U hella nasty
  12. Wolfy 
  13. peanut butter as it is ?
  14. ?oooo
  15. Oooh lolol im actually eating some peanut butter now. I like it just by itself. Just me, my spoon and the peanut butter jar. And i dont like the ones with nuts. I like it smooth?
  16. Now that is stuck in my head. ?
  17. Tbh peanut butter or Nutella with cheezits are pretty dope
  18. Peanut butter on bread isn't a sandwich.
  19. ?what a coincidence!
  20. ?then what is it?