HP Next Generation (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lily-Snape, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Lily please tell me you're still on here! I miss you do you remember me? 
  2. Nobody caaaaares!
  3. Geez, really? There's really no need to be rude about it. I haven't spoken to my friend in 2-3 years, cut me some slack for being excited.
  4. Forgive him Andi. Welcome back though
  5. Thanks so much. It's fine, I was just a bit taken back. Do I happen to know you from long ago? :)
  6. Welcome person Jojo does not know
  7. OOC: Of course I'm still here, I've just been super unwell and didn't get your message soon enough :( Love you Andi ?
  8. Is this still active? If so, can I join?

    P.S, I remember the good times on the old HP RP with my alt.
  9. Name: Tom Wader
    Age: 15
    House: Ravenclaw
    Looks: Quite thin and short. Olive skin with floppy dark brown, hair. Light grey, intelligent eyes. Fairly prominent cheekbones and defined features. Is slightly shortsighted so wears glasses occasionally.
    Wand: Unicorn hair. Acacia wood.
    Patronus: Crow
  10. Name: Valandíl Tinúviel
    House: Ravenclaw
    Looks: Dark blue hair, looks more black unless reflecting light. Tanned skin, brown eyes. Wears whatever he first grabs when not wearing school uniform.
    Wand: I'd say Luna Lovegood's, but not this time. Oak wand with unicorn tail core.
    Patronus: Horse, though small enough to be referred to as a pony.

    ... I'm back, Lils...
  11. OOC: Both accepted.
    I'm kidding it's nice to have you back smelly <3

    Tom... Tomo2407 Tom? 
  12. (I dunno who Kristopher is. I'm Kristofer :p)
  13. OOC:
    Shut up it's been a while 
  14. (Too damn long. Now, where's the rp at?)
  15. (Also, Val is year 6)
  16. OOC: Literally nowhere because of newbies arguing 

    IC: Lily wonders around the school grounds for a while finally settling to sit next to the lake.
  17. ( mights as well do this )

    Nick trains his defence against the dark arts spells against a dummy
  19. Val: Well then. Guess you need a lesson in torment. *Lifts my wand and happily ties up the offending second year Slytherin with magical ropes, the first year Ravenclaw girl behind me cheering with dried tears on her cheeks. I lift the bound child up high, raising him higher and swinging him slowly back and forth, grinning at his screams before dropping him in the top of a nearby tree and laughing.* Have fun up there! *I chuckle and let the girl go, while enchanting the ground below the tree to cushion an otherwise lethal fall* Oh, those ropes will dissolve in an hour or so, don't worry!