Only dream i remember... I was fighting a bad guy in my aunties old house and he jumped on the counter. I then jumped on the counter kicked him in the eye and out it came on my left big toe. I then woke up.
I remember once while me and my girlfriend were taking a nap, I don't know what I was dreaming about or even remember what I was dreaming about, but she said when she was trying to wake me up I said hunger.. Randomly and feel back asleep :lol: I guess I was hungry ? Or something ahaha Summer Days always sick with you ?
This exactly lol. I remember good dreams for like 10 minutes but I still remember nightmares from when I was 5
I have recurring dreams.. I have tons of dreams where im in a house, apartment, store, etc. And there's like... A ghost there. And I know it's there, and I know whats gonna happen, but I search for them. And they're like, they feel so real. I have this dream Ive been having as well since I was a kid, where I'm in the basement of a house, and it's like dark except for this attic door on the ceiling thats slightly open, and there's a red light coming from inside with like lots of fog. And when I get closer this pitch black demon thing pops out so I run and the demon thing chases me but like crawling on the ceiling, and whenever it grabs my arm or "catches me" its always someone in real life grabbnig my arm to wake me up. I havent had it recently but I used to 1-2x a week for a few years.
I dream that I was having the job five nights at Freddy's and all the animatronics are scarier,though my good dream was me eating my arch enemy's flesh and put his flesh on a sandwich.It was good
I had a dream that a planes engines exploded and the only way to get out was by jumping out and someone pushed me out of but i had no parachute. After what felt like hours in the air I woke up when i fell out of bed and peed a little. Now I'm terrified of heights XD
My bf and I took a nap once and we both woke up same time and he wakes up and kisses the pillow so now that's our inside joke I'll just be like "hey babe" and he'll say "what" and I'll say "kiss the pillow" and we just laugh god I love that man
Im not dreaming always .. But, yesterday I dreamed that my grandpa was still alive. And that we played together(i was like 5 years old in dream)..