 Dreams 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Was it someone eating ur birdly eggs?
  2. I also had a dream about Freddy and jeepers creepers.
  3. I dreamt once about zombies and in reality I was yelling "shoot em in the head!!!!" then I elbowed my bf in the face in my sleep and he woke me up and told me??I apologized to him and now we laugh about it.(-OG-FranceAmbersBaby is my rl bf) and so is his alt. ?-OG-France_AmbersNaughtyDevil?I love you Babycakes????
  4. Follow back Jerk??mods are awesome and I have alot of friends that are mods. Please let me add you to my mod friends
  5. I had a dream where krusty the clown wante to kill me and I couldn't run away. I couldn't move my body.
    I can't remember the good dreams.
  6. I dreamed about Prince Royce ??
  7. Awww poor Deviantwell at least it wasn't PennyWise from Stephen King's IT??
  8. It was at my primary school, i kinda just realised halfway through that I was dreaming. But I couldn't control it or wake up so it was kinda terrifying
  9. Kinda like Sleep Paralysis?
  10. Oh wowthat IS terrifying.
  11. Well now it's time for me to go to dreamland lol. Goodnight forums?
  12. I can only remember weird ones. Like my pup dropped me in my dream. Or going blind. But usually it's just writing something, still doing my work in my dream.
  13. I used to be able to control my lucid dreams when i was a kid. I used it to fly around my dreams and telepathically move objects.

    Things became odd though as i was waking up.. Id randomly be in different rooms than I previously was in, and have no recollection of how I got there.
  14.  it's not cool when you feel like you're paralyzed and can't wake up. Sweating buckets. 
  15. This is so truuuue
  16. Id never let you forget that if I were him
  17. ??
  18. ?yikes, that does sound freaky
  19. how was the going blind dream?
  20. ?Ooo, that's cool