The Jojo's News #2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MsLemonBerry, Feb 21, 2015.


    hi :shock: again today will be talking about whales... my favorite creature?

    well whales are cute and are known to be big...they also have familes

    They come in different shapes and sizes. Different species...
 that I think about it...what if this

    Meant they wanted to do ....this

    I believe whales want to move up a level...where their weight doesn't matter...where they can fly!

    I believe this is their dream..we have a reporter underwater with a whale ..let's check it out.

    do you see that?


    Next time on the Jojo's news:


  2. We'll instead of will
  3. They all looked cute!
  4. Why can'tI see other people's comments?
  5. I think I can add whales to my favourite animal list now.I ️  now.
  6. Can anyone see?
  7. What does all these comments say!?
  8. Is it me or is this thread glitched? 
  9. It happened to my duck one too
  10. Whales are the best
  11. Haha nice I love whales 