Aspergers Syndrome

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. My brother has Autism. I never really understood the difference between Aspergers and Autism except maybe that it's milder?

    A great movie about a guy with Asperger's is Adam, it's very heartfelt and compelling. But not in an "oh Adam's life is sad and I should feel bad way" more like "Okay Adam has Asperger's but he's also really kinda like everyone else"
  2. That was an interesting and informative read.
  3. I has this apparently ?
  4. My son has autism and prolly on the severe side. He is also non-verbal. Kinda difficult to accept but well, life goes on. 
  5. I have a mild form of this, with none of the downsides tho, just all the good stuff

    True Story
  6. I have a friend named Finn who has his and his IQ is the same as mine, which is 140
  7. Scott (my brother) was in normal classes most of the day in high school the school hes in now teaches life skills how to do normal everyday things he gets home sick but hes doing pretty good
    10/10 would bang
  9. Like I said, all autisms are slightly different.
  10. ass burgers? yall really need to take your rude comments elsewhere. nobody makes fun of you for the things that make you different, and if they do, well, you probably deserve it
  11. So how do u break the behavior of repetitive patterns? Do u redirect the person, is it a lack of physical activity- how can u break the cycle?
  12. Usually it's hard to break a cycle.
    It tends to be that if you give them something to work for then they slowly decrease the repetitiveness.
  13. Reminded me of Doctor Sheldon Copper
  14. Do you work with pictograms?(cards with images telling them what to do)

    I am studying in the field of delenquency and we studying about mental health, so we had a day talking about that syndrom.


    And yea these people loves to have a routine, break their routine and they'll go dysfonctional.
  15. I don't have to. Due to being in a DSP (Designated special prevision) I have learnt to mainly control my kind of autism.
  16. This stopped when I finished primary school.
  17. The guy I know is the Church librarian as well as an organ player during Church services, when he's in Mass I've noticed he seems asymptomatic.
  18. Assburgers

    It's not like anyone in this game has that shīt
  19. No respect at all....
    You can't get lower than this guy.

    Unless your spit 
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